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"id": 1,
"story_text": "I am a significantly overweight woman. I was on a cruise with my daughter recently, and I was dishing up her meal for her from the dinner buffet because she was tired. So I was leaving the buffet area holding both our plates of food. A woman coming in the other direction looked at me holding two plates, looked me up and down, and said \"wow!\", in a shocked / disgusted tone of voice. It ruined my whole evening - I felt down, angry, ashamed and sad, and I still felt a bit down the following day.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 2,
"story_text": "\"You look like shrek with that hair colour\" - A teacher.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 3,
"story_text": "\"Everyone hold on to the table, she's dancing!\" \"there's an earthquake\" - A 'friend' at a friends party.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 4,
"story_text": "\"You need to stop eating so much\" - My mother.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 5,
"story_text": "You should straighten your hair, try to make an effort. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 6,
"story_text": "You'd look better if you grew your hair out, it makes you look like a boy. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 7,
"story_text": "My friends would always insult me for eating a lot and started saying I was putting on a lot of weight. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 8,
"story_text": "You're too fat. Stop eating and lose some weight. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 9,
"story_text": "My friends would always laugh at me anytime I would get food from the canteen and would say I was getting fatter by the minute. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 10,
"story_text": "You have McDonald's eyebrows. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 11,
"story_text": "We were on a school trip and my friend trousers got wet, I gave her my spare jeans and it was too big. It made everyone think I was either too fat or she was too skinny. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 12,
"story_text": "You're too fat.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 13,
"story_text": "When I visit my aunt she always says \"you have a nice body but the legs need a bit of work.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 14,
"story_text": "\"Oh you've gained a bit\" - My dad.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 15,
"story_text": "Your skin's getting worse, it's all blotchy.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 16,
"story_text": "You're pretty but you'd be prettier if you were less chubby. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 17,
"story_text": "My skin colour was constantly compared against my siblings who were lighter skinned.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 18,
"story_text": "Your eyes are like mosquitos.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 19,
"story_text": "You look like an ironing board.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 20,
"story_text": "Hijab for allah, bum for abdullah.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 21,
"story_text": "A long time ago, I was taller than my brother so he used to call me giraffe.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 22,
"story_text": "Because I'm the whitest in the family, sometimes my brother tells me I'm adopted. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 23,
"story_text": "Girl called a zombie because of how white she was, so she needed to put on make up so her face doesn’t look 'dead'. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 24,
"story_text": "I saw boys on the bus ranking girls on how pretty they are and one of them got just a one. She felt really bad because everyone was laughing at her. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 25,
"story_text": "My auntie told me that if I didn't sort my acne scars out now, I'd have them for the rest of my life and she recommended me lots of beauty products and told me to go to the doctors for it. So my mum made me go to the doctors and now I've been prescribed medicine and a cream that I have to take every day for 2 months. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 26,
"story_text": "Boys often comment on parts of bodies that you can't control like breast and bum size. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 27,
"story_text": "Social media shows you ideal bodies that are almost impossible to attain and make you feel bad.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 28,
"story_text": "People don't say I look good without makeup. Everyone likes no scars, spot free skin. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 29,
"story_text": "People say that I am too skinny and that I should put on weight & have more protein.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 30,
"story_text": "The NHS give out free gym passes now, why don't you go?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 31,
"story_text": "\"Your daughter sometimes appears very dark, she certainly has taken after her mother\" - Mother-in-law.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 32,
"story_text": "\"One of your twin boys is the right skin colour, the other one's isn't great\" - Mother-in-law to daughter-in-law.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 33,
"story_text": "Your eyebrows are too straight. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 34,
"story_text": "People always feel the need to point out my eczema like I haven't lived with it my whole life. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 35,
"story_text": "In my old friends group, all the girls were pretty and had nice boob and bum sizes. My bum wasn't as big or nice as the rest and I would get picked on for it. They say it was a joke but it upset me. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 36,
"story_text": "I was told I was too chubby to look good. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 37,
"story_text": "My sister used to have a friend who would criticise her looks when she got the chance. She even commented on how messy and awful her hair looked because of how frizzy it is. They were both 12 at the time. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 38,
"story_text": "I used to be very skinny when I was younger (under 11 years). In my junior school people would always point it out and a few even lifted me up in the air by force to prove it. Those who did that would usually be younger than me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 39,
"story_text": "This girl was one told she was \"too skinny\" and told she was anorexic compared to all her friends. This girl was compared to being a \"little twig\" daily.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 40,
"story_text": "You look like you've put on weight, or is it just the jacket?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 41,
"story_text": "Piggy, my childhood nickname.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 42,
"story_text": "When I go to see my family, they tell me I've lost weight and almost look ill. When I go back after a while they say I'm too fat and should exercise more to lose the weight. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 43,
"story_text": "You should really wear foundation.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 44,
"story_text": "You have so much natural volume in your hair! It would look so nice if you used some mousse - it would get rid of all that frizz.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 45,
"story_text": "\"Are you sure you had breakfast? And you're going to eat your lunch?\" - A 5 minute quiz from a fellow year 9 'concerned' that I had an eating disorder because I was 'too thin'.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 46,
"story_text": "Your eyes are too big. Why are you staring at me?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 47,
"story_text": "You look 4D you're so big",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 48,
"story_text": "I don’t get compliments without make up.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 49,
"story_text": "Your hair is bigger than your head.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 50,
"story_text": "People say I should wear my headscarf differently and the way I wear it doesn't suit me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 51,
"story_text": "My boyfriend grabbed me by my stomach and called me fat.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 52,
"story_text": "Your fringe doesn't suit you.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 53,
"story_text": "I don't get complimented without make up.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 54,
"story_text": "You would have a perfect figure if you lost a bit of weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 55,
"story_text": "My friend was called fat on social media.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 56,
"story_text": "Why is one eye smaller than the other?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 57,
"story_text": "\"You should get out more, you're way too pale. You look like a milk bottle.\" - My father tells me this every summer when I wear shorts.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 58,
"story_text": "On tumblr you see thinspiration and people are being mean in order to 'help' others to lose weight. I am heavily affected by these comments.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 59,
"story_text": "I've been told that by cutting my hair I'd look \"gay\" and that if I grew it out I'd look thinner.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 60,
"story_text": "Your chest looks like an ironing board.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 61,
"story_text": "You look 2D you're so skinny.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 62,
"story_text": "You have goldfish eyes.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 63,
"story_text": "Your belly's too big, you look pregnant.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 64,
"story_text": "Your face is so round, it looks like the moon.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 65,
"story_text": "You're so skinny, are you sure you are not anorexic?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 66,
"story_text": "\"I don't like that woman, she has too many spots.\" - Child on the bus.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 67,
"story_text": "Your legs are too muscular.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 68,
"story_text": "You should straighten your hair.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 69,
"story_text": "Why have you got so many spots all over your face?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 70,
"story_text": "Being pretty hairy for a girl, and with it being long and dark, I started a new school aged 7 or 8. I’d had my hair cut short because my sisters had nits and my mum thought it would prevent me from getting them. The boy sat next to me innocently said “Are you a boy or a girl?” I said I was a girl and he said “you’re like a gorilla” I still shave the tops of my arms now and I’m almost 60…",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 71,
"story_text": "Husband: “I’ll help you dye your hair” Wife: “But I’m fed up with dyeing it, I’ve decided to go back to my natural colour, I like the greys that are showing though” Husband: “But you look younger when it’s dyed…”",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 72,
"story_text": "As an adult I was in a communal changing room and someone said \"oh I would not want to be thin like you\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 73,
"story_text": "At 13 a boy said directly to my face \"you're really ugly\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 74,
"story_text": "I was told by a teacher I had a fat face at 7/8 yrs old.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 75,
"story_text": "You've let yourself go recently. You're looking a big podgy. Are you stress eating?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 76,
"story_text": "After rejecting the advances of a male colleague who had previously told me I looked lovely on a daily basis I then endured daily comments regarding how little sleep I looked like I'd had...had my 2 year old kept me awake all night....was I feeling poorly....had I rushed out the house that morning...I should go home I looked terrible. Most days I felt I looked terrible anyway (mental health factors)... the comments hit hardest on the days I actually felt I looked half decent.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 77,
"story_text": "You're so spotty it makes me feel sick. Why don't you wash your face? Only dirty people get acne.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 78,
"story_text": "In college I was severely bullied because I was slim and quite hairy as I have PCOS. I was called a gorilla and told to do everyone a favour and end my life because who wants to sleep with a stick. I'm now classed as 'plus size' because my PCOS flare up, and I have been called fat, referred to as Hagrid and told to \"just lose weight and I will feel better\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 79,
"story_text": "I was called an 'ironing board' by the other girls in my school because my breasts were small.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 80,
"story_text": "I was quite lean growing up. I was called anorexic, and people would joke that my parents never fed me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 81,
"story_text": "\"You've done a good job not putting on weight in college.\" - My dad after my first year.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 82,
"story_text": "When I was about 20 years old, my mum asked how much I weighed. I told her 56kg. She responded by saying “well when I was your age I was only 53kg.” Before she said the comment I didn’t think much of my weight and (rightly so) thought I was pretty thin but afterwards I immediately felt like I had done something wrong and somehow failed. Every time I step on the scale the comment plays through my mind.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 83,
"story_text": "I’m 5’1’’ and while getting ready for a night out I was told by a person in my friend group that I needed to wear heels to fit in with the rest of girls in the group. This made me feel self-conscious about my height, something I’d never felt before.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 84,
"story_text": "Having gone to my first check-up at a new dentist, he proceeded to tell me that, whilst all my teeth were fine, he could do something about the front one. I fell off my bike as a kid, my front tooth is slightly wonky. I never think about it. He told me that he knew people could consider these things unattractive, and that if I thought it ruined my smile, he could surely fix it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 85,
"story_text": "I presented an academic poster on my research on obesity prevention. Before starting my degree, I gained around 4 stones in a year as a side effect of my prescribed medications. On that day, one of the judges in the conference, who I have met several times before, asked me if I was pregnant right in front of my poster.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 86,
"story_text": "You're pretty for a fat girl.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 87,
"story_text": "In my doctors office, after a bad accident and several ruptured disc, the doctor said they were like that because of my weight. And just to lose weight and exercise.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 88,
"story_text": "An ex boyfriend once compared me to a Rhino.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 89,
"story_text": "Not bad, when are you gonna try to lose weight?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 90,
"story_text": "A friend's mum once said to me when I was in high school - \"you have fat legs\". Years later, I told this story to another friend who said \"I never really thought about it before, but your legs are actually weirdly bigger than your upper body\". I'm still self-conscious about revealing my bare legs to the world, and especially about wearing swimwear in public.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 91,
"story_text": "I spent a fortune on styling advice and I never wear low-cut shirts anymore. I feel I have to justify my weight to others.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 92,
"story_text": "People comment on my weight, for example insisting I take another piece of pie, saying I need it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 93,
"story_text": "A friend said to me during dinner: \"I am concerned about you, because you are too skinny.\" I told her I can't help it, I am just built this way. She replied: \"You can train yourself to eat more, you know.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 94,
"story_text": "A couple of years ago a friend said to me I have 'shorter legs'. She clearly didn't mean any harm with it, but the comment got stuck in my head. I had never noticed that my proportions were off, so I wondered why she had said it. I started comparing myself with others and feeling insecure. This became almost obsessive and lasted for several years. All because of one comment. I am 44 years old.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 95,
"story_text": "I was told I would be 'perfect' if I was 5” taller because my legs are too short and it's not attractive.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 96,
"story_text": "After I had made some comment about not shaving my legs and how some people find that ‘awkward’ in the pool, my mum bought me hair removal cream as she thought I simply couldn’t use a razor.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 97,
"story_text": "Being told at approximately age 8 by my mom that it was \"time to start holding your stomach in.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 98,
"story_text": "Walking home from the bus stop after school at age 12 or so with, as usual, frizzy hair tied back, glasses (which I've worn permanently since I was 10) and a rucksack full of school books. An older boy I didn't know passed me and shouted in my face, 'You're a bit of a geek, aren't you four eyes!'. Over half a lifetime ago I still remember it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 99,
"story_text": "When my brother was younger (aged 4/5) he used to be picked up in the playground whilst people sung the Champions League theme song because he had 'large sticky out ears' and they resembled the trophy handles. As a result my mother wanted them pinned back. He was 4.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 100,
"story_text": "I'm only 5 foot tall and quite curvy, so finding a wedding dress wasn't easy. Being told in one shop well, the average dress is designed for people who are 5'10\" really knocked my confidence, especially as I was standing on a box feeling utterly flooded by lengths of fabric at that moment. Something that should have been fun was made more stressful and I'm so grateful to the women in the shop where I finally found a dress for never making me feel uncomfortable about my height.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 101,
"story_text": "Why are you so comfortable wearing sleeveless clothes, with your arms the way they are?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 102,
"story_text": "You should not wear dresses, they just don't look good on someone like you. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 103,
"story_text": "You look ugly when you are fat, you look so nice when you lose weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 104,
"story_text": "No one will marry you if you are this fat.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 105,
"story_text": "I have big ears and was called 'FA Cup' at school.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 106,
"story_text": "Your hair makes your head look like a triangle.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 107,
"story_text": "\"With the size of that rack it’s a miracle you don’t suffocate men.\" - my 'friends'. Every time I’ve been bra shopping since I was 12, I’d end up crying that I would rather have no breasts than myown large ones. I wear plain baggy clothes to hide the effect of my large chest.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 108,
"story_text": " One time a girl walked into the canteen with her tray of food. A girl on my table walked over to her, hit the tray out of her hands and told her she was 'too fat' already and shouldn't be eating that, and the kind of food she was eating 'obviously' contributed to her spots. This was to a canteen full of high school students who all burst out laughing. ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 109,
"story_text": "A 'friend' told me that I was unlucky to have blonde hair and big boobs because I'd 'never know if a guy actually like me for me'. I was 14 and it's now 17 years later and I still think about it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 110,
"story_text": "My brother told me that I am fat, depsite he actually being the one who was overweight. I went on to develop anorexia in my teenage years. I am not saying his single comment was responsible for my illness, but please be considerate, weight is so sensitive topic.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 111,
"story_text": "A guy I was dating - \"it’s a shame your boobs aren’t as big as your butt.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 112,
"story_text": "When I was in Year 8, two girls at school invited me to their house. Then they told me it was for a makeover, because I really needed one.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 113,
"story_text": "I was chatting to my partner about how I felt like I was looking like I was beginning to age and he turned to me and said \"You're a depreciating asset\". He meant it as a joke but needless to say - we fell out for a bit.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 114,
"story_text": "I was on a long train journey and a really large man got on at one of the stops and 3 businessmen were laughing amongst themselves (quite visibly and vocally) that none of the seats were reinforced. For the rest of the journey I felt really cross with myself that I hadn't called them out but I was worried the man would be even more embarrassed by me highlighting it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 115,
"story_text": "I had a row with my (then) boyfriend who yelled at me \"look at the state of you. Who'd want someone your size. Are you not embarrassed?\" It's lived with me for 30 years.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 116,
"story_text": "I once tweeted about catcalling, and used the #everydaysexism hashtag. A random person replied saying \"Who would catcall you? You're a holiday 5 at best.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 117,
"story_text": "When I was 10 years old, my mom said I was getting too fat, so limited me to eating one chapati with my dinner a night. When I bring this up now, she says \"You should thank me, I was only looking out for you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 118,
"story_text": "\"Sweetie, you have to be pretty and cute and delicate to be an angel in the Christmas nativity.\" - Said to me by a primary school teacher.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 119,
"story_text": "Told by my cousin that I would look so much prettier if I didn't have freckles and a big nose.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 120,
"story_text": "When I was in high school I was told the world had enough ugly in it without me showing my face. I went home and cried to my mum, who responded with \"well they do have a point, you could make yourself look prettier with makeup\". I was 11 and have worn makeup everyday ever since.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 121,
"story_text": "My friend once told me I had a 'pizza face'. I had severe acne and subsequently went on medication to help.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 122,
"story_text": "My sister used to tell me I was too hairy and that I should shave my legs. I was only 7 and had just started gymnastics - I was so worried everyone would stare at me because my mum wouldn't let me shave.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 123,
"story_text": "I was told that I needed to get my teeth fixed in order to become a teacher.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 124,
"story_text": "When you see someone who you haven’t seen in ages and they comment \"oh you need to look after yourself better\"…\"you can see the gain on your face\"...and all you want to do is scream at them.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 125,
"story_text": "My mum and sister are both gym and fitness freaks and are always going on about how much weight they’ve lost etc etc. However, I am quite a curvy girl and love my body but when they make comments about the food I eat or the way I dress it never makes me feel good. I want to be able to put on skinny jeans and a crop top and not be ashamed. I know I can rock it with my curves but the negativity from my family is extreme.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 126,
"story_text": "I was teased so much about my ‘flat chest' from when I was 12 to when I was 18. This teasing mostly came from male friends, who would take it as a joke. I lived in fear in public situations as one of them would make a spontaneous joke about it. One boy asked me how I could ever expect to satisfy a man with a chest so flat. I spent the whole of sixth form cursing how my chest hadn’t got bigger and would wear baggy jumpers to hide my shape. In high school I had the boy who sat next to me in science say ‘you really have nothing there, do you?’ and ‘you’re too skinny. I like girls with more meat on them.’ It ruined my self confidence and I haven’t been swimming apart from abroad since I was 12 because I didn’t want anyone to see my chest in a swimming costume.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 127,
"story_text": "Every time I visit the hairdresser they straighten my very curly hair ‘for a change’ - this I don’t mind so much. But I then have days of comments following in the same vein: \"Oh that looks much better\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 128,
"story_text": "My boyfriend told me that he was no longer attracted to me after I put on weight, and threatened to leave if I didn't lose it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 129,
"story_text": "The one and only time I ever went outside wearing shorts, two men shouted at me from, laughing, across the street, \"Legs! You need long, suntanned legs!\" I am short and so pale that I can't tan.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 130,
"story_text": "She's too hot for you. You're punching.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 131,
"story_text": "Your legs are too short and are out of proportion to your body.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 132,
"story_text": "When I was 21 I went to my university ball (my first time for this kind of event). I was all dressed up for the first time, walking to meet some friends, and a van full of men drove past. They rolled down the window and shouted \"hey ugly, you look like a man\". That was over 20 years ago and it still rings in my ears every day.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 133,
"story_text": "I had a baby! Breastfed happily for two years! Worked at the same time! Lost a lot/too much weight..... Stopped feeding. Boobs shrank. Normal weight returned. All good. Congratulated frequently for being pregnant again.....huh ???",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 134,
"story_text": "After 3 years with ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) as a teenager, school friends and people in the street frequently asked directly if I was anorexic. Nope, just on a slow road to recovery after losing most of my muscle strength whilst bedridden. I was feeling pretty good to be out and about again till they made their comments!",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 135,
"story_text": "I was called Pizza Face in school. Assumed to be unclean, a heavy fast food eater, greasy, always touching my face. It was always my own individual fault that I had acne and not sebum production that I had little control over. I was so ashamed of my face I'd try to hide my face when talking, placing my hand in front of my chin, looking down, trying to wear discrete concealer (a nightmare for a closet gay boy trying to act masculine). I tried every cream going. Once I drank about 7 litres of water hoping I could flush acne out. I wrote a diary of every thing I ate, constantly monitoring fast food intake. It made no difference. I then went on Roaccuatane and it cleared up. My eyesight isn't great. I was warned this was a side effect at the time. I ignored it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 136,
"story_text": "\"You should get a boob job, I'd pay.\" - My (now ex) boyfriend.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 137,
"story_text": "Whilst having my legs waxed, the beautician attempted to body shame me into waxing everything else too. Left feeling disgusted with my body and ashamed about my decision not to remove more hair.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 138,
"story_text": "My very drunk friend looked at me and said \"You might be fat but at least you're pretty\" - as if one should cancel out the other. I think about that a lot. It was over 9 years ago.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 139,
"story_text": "Someone once said to me in a disappointed tone (while I was wearing a bikini) - \"oh, from the size of your legs I'd expected you to be much skinnier\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 140,
"story_text": "I had an incredibly awkward puberty and used to be so embarrassed when anybody criticised me for my appearance - but looking back now I think that they should be the ones embarrassed instead. One time a group of girls posted about me on Facebook, my name wasn’t used but from the context it was very clearly about me. They were basically making fun of how ugly I was and one even said she felt physically sick whenever I walked into class.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 141,
"story_text": "You have thighs like Godzilla.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 142,
"story_text": "“Oh you have put on far too much weight, I preferred it when you were skinnier” my mum said as she grabbed my hips. I’d put on a healthy stone after having an eating disorder.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 143,
"story_text": "My dad would tell my sisters in front of me “don’t worry I would never let you get to her size” about me (I was a size 8-10) and if I wore leggings he would say he could see my cellulite through them.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 144,
"story_text": "“Influencer culture” and shows such as Love Island are still so upsetting for me as someone who suffered with body dysmorphia and eating issues as a consequence of social media fuelling negative body image. My relationship with myself and with other people has been so severely damaged by my teen years. I find it hard to trust that others see beauty in me, and even harder to see it for myself. It’s deeply disturbing to have felt such emotions since being only 12 years old. Something has to change.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 145,
"story_text": "I am a little bit on the larger side and have experienced nasty comments multiple times. At school my weight was used as an insult and many relatives during family occasions would comment that I looked older because of my body size. This still massively affects me today as I feel like I take up too much space in the world and I have massive self esteem issues.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 146,
"story_text": "You could be quite attractive if you weren't so chubby.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 147,
"story_text": "All my life I have been told that as a woman I am too hairy. It started when I was in primary school and, during PE, a boy shouted \"ew, your legs are so hairy\". Now, I get a lot of negative comments from guys about my ‘moustache’, some telling me \"you should shave that\". It has made me very insecure.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 148,
"story_text": "*At the beauty salon, getting my eyebrows threaded* Beautician: \"Do you want me to do your upper lip whilst you're here?\" Me: \"No, thanks...\" Beautician: \"Really? Are you sure? It's quite dark...\" (She asked me twice more during the session... I never went back)",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 149,
"story_text": "\"You've got legs like tree trunks. They're much bigger than mine.\" - said by my Grandma to my Mum when she was a teenager. She has suffered from an disordered eating since her teenage years.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 150,
"story_text": "A friend, talking about another friend when we were teens - \"I call her crater-face because of all of those spots.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 151,
"story_text": "I was told that I wouldn't be taken seriously if I kept wearing my hair curly (it's naturally curly) because it looks 'messy' and 'not professional'.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 152,
"story_text": "\"You’d have an amazing body if you worked out!\" - Said to me by a (soon to be ex) boyfriend who, when I called him out, was genuinely shocked that I didn’t consider the comment a compliment.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 153,
"story_text": "You know you could get that mole removed in a flash - Laser treatment these days is amazing, you'd never know it'd been there at all...",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 154,
"story_text": "My brother said I looked like a whale.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 155,
"story_text": "My mother encouraged and paid for me to go on a shake diet with her because I was 'fat' and no one would ever love me if I was. I was 8.5 stone.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 156,
"story_text": "That bikini would look nice if you didn't have stretch marks.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 157,
"story_text": "Ew, your legs wobble.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 158,
"story_text": "Maybe you should watch what you're eating, you're starting to get fat.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 159,
"story_text": "Mummy could you wear less make up when you collect me? The boys are teasing me that you're too into fashion.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 160,
"story_text": "No one else would want you - you're too ugly - you're lucky to have me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 161,
"story_text": "It's hard to look at her. She's so ugly. She makes me sick.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 162,
"story_text": "Nobody will take you seriously looking like that.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 163,
"story_text": "You're all tits and no arse - have you considered a butt lift?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 164,
"story_text": "\"You've got a big bum.\" - Said by my mum when I was 14.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 165,
"story_text": "If you toned up your body it would look so much better.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 166,
"story_text": "\"Your lips are too big, and your bum is too big.\" - Grandma.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 167,
"story_text": "\"But you've put on a lot of weight since I met you.\" - From partners on my fluctuating weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 168,
"story_text": "You're lucky your grey hair is where you can hide it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 169,
"story_text": "We are heading to the pub, would you mind making an effort and dress sexy tonight? Your last outfit was too serious.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 170,
"story_text": "If you think about yourself as a perfectionist at least you should aim to look perfect too, otherwise it's just hypocritical.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 171,
"story_text": "Yeah we like your voice and songs, but we kept you because you make a good impression on stage. Pretty girls sell tickets.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 172,
"story_text": "You've got no boobs.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 173,
"story_text": "She's the fat one.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 174,
"story_text": "You'd be very pretty if you lost weight, you have a nice face.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 175,
"story_text": "I didn't buy you any crisps because you don't need them.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 176,
"story_text": "\"You don't have your skinny legs anymore.\" - My mother said dissapointedly to me when I was 16.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 177,
"story_text": "\"She is way too flat-chested to wear that bikini.\" - A friend judging another young woman on holiday.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 178,
"story_text": "A friend was shocked and a bit disgusted when I said I never moisturise my body!",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 179,
"story_text": "You're wearing a skirt; you look like a girl now.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 180,
"story_text": "No make up? You must be one of the lads.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 181,
"story_text": "\"Dude looks like a lady.\" - Sung to me when I had short hair.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 182,
"story_text": "You need to wear make up to impress at that job interview.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 183,
"story_text": "Lose weight. No one will marry you.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 184,
"story_text": "Stop swimming in the sun you are getting really dark.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 185,
"story_text": "Your mother was so much more beautiful than you at your age.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 186,
"story_text": "She has two babies, look at her body you should get tips from her.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 187,
"story_text": "Are you sure you are going to have dessert?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 188,
"story_text": "\"Ooh great, you've lost so much weight!\" - I had because I'd had a mental health crisis.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 189,
"story_text": "\"Don't you look pretty today!\" - To my 4 year old daughter arriving at nursery when she uncharacteristically wore a dress.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 190,
"story_text": "Your legs are so chunky... Does he like big girls?... So when are you going to lose weight?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 191,
"story_text": "Well you are bigger and you do eat more!",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 192,
"story_text": "You'll have to wear some big knickers and do some stomach exercises in order to wear that dress.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 193,
"story_text": "\"You look so tired and weird… Why aren't you wearing make up?… You would look more normal with it on.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 194,
"story_text": "\"Look at that moving mountain.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 195,
"story_text": "You need to put on 15 pounds because you are too skinny.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 196,
"story_text": "You should not wear shorts because you have knocked knees (not perfectly straight legs).",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 197,
"story_text": "\"You look really tired.\" I replied \"That's just my natural panda face (with dark eyes and pale skin).\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 198,
"story_text": "You're too short and ugly.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 199,
"story_text": "Those clothes are too short for you.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 200,
"story_text": "You look tired without eyeliner.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 201,
"story_text": "You shouldn't wear too much make-up.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 202,
"story_text": "Are you ok? You look ill without make-up.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 203,
"story_text": "You're tall enough, you don't need to wear heels.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 204,
"story_text": "Should you be wearing that at your age?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 205,
"story_text": "\"Do you know how many calories are in that? Being curvy isn't attractive.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 206,
"story_text": "\"Can you put a top on please?\" - A waiter in a restaurant who looked at my scars and thought it would put people off eating.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 207,
"story_text": "I'm ginger and on my first week at secondary school some older boys followed me around rubbing their hands together then holding them behind my head. It took me a week to realise they were warming their hands on the fire. It made me feel really self conscious of my hair.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 208,
"story_text": "Why don't you go to the gym like all the other girls at school? You might not be so fat then.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 209,
"story_text": "I was told I looked better before I got a fringe.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 210,
"story_text": "I was told I was 'just a bit fat' by a boy when I was 14.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 211,
"story_text": "\"She only goes out with you because she feels sorry for you - because you are ill and fat.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 212,
"story_text": "Do you have to be quite so loud and large?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 213,
"story_text": "I find male gay culture categorises you into 'visual tribes' that supposedly reflect your personalities, e.g. bears, twinks, otters, wolves, and jocks.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 214,
"story_text": "He's punching.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 215,
"story_text": "Being squeezed on the sides by my boss, being told I need to eat more.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 216,
"story_text": "Every time my step dad meets female friends he will comment if they're too skinny and not stop talking about it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 217,
"story_text": "My daughter (8 years old) came home from school asking me how she could make the hairs on her arms blonder because someone at school had told her 'girls don't have body hair.'",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 218,
"story_text": "My best friend judges her worth by her looks, specifically her 'size'. It's a shame, because I think she is more than a number.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 219,
"story_text": "My boss at work referred to me as 'big ass' instead of my name.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 220,
"story_text": "She looks like Miss Piggy.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 221,
"story_text": "You can't wear that because you're too curvy.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 222,
"story_text": "If I looked like you I would worry more about my weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 223,
"story_text": "Can I please wax your upper lip because it's annoying me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 224,
"story_text": "\"Can I give you some unsolicited fashion advice?\" (Before I can refuse) \"You'd look so much better if you bought a better bra.\" - A Female colleague.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 225,
"story_text": "\"You'll never get a boyfriend if you don't lose weight!\" - From my Father.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 226,
"story_text": "\"Put some make up on so it looks like you've made an effort.\" - From my Grandma.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 227,
"story_text": "Male doctor after breast exam - \"I can see you've lost weight since your last mammogram. Oh! You're getting married? Congratulations! Can I suggest you get a boob job when you've lost as much as you want to lose - your husband will thank you for it.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 228,
"story_text": "\"You know there is such a thing as shaving.\" - 11 year old male cousin to 11 year old me about my upper lip.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 229,
"story_text": "A dermatologist asked me if I was a lesbian because I had facial hair on my top lip.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 230,
"story_text": "I used to be nicknamed 'cookie face' because my face is so round and the blemishes are like chocolate.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 231,
"story_text": "Moley, moley, moley.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 232,
"story_text": "I know you're really fit and have been doing lots of exercise, but isn't it a shame that it makes your thighs so bulky.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 233,
"story_text": "\"You've gained weight, you look different, I didn't recognise you! I think its because you've got married and you're less careful about your body.\" - Said by a male Professor at law school.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 234,
"story_text": "\"You should wear more sexy dresses at work you look like an old woman!\" - Said by a female colleague at work.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 235,
"story_text": "\"You've gained weight, are you pregnant?\" \"No.\" \"Are you sure?\" - Said by a female colleague.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 236,
"story_text": "You've gone so grey - shouldn't you colour your hair?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 237,
"story_text": "You look so much better now that you aren’t porky and ginger.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 238,
"story_text": "She's always been a bigger girl.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 239,
"story_text": "Don’t invite her, she will eat all of the food at the buffet.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 240,
"story_text": "Please go to the gym because I'd fancy you more.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 241,
"story_text": "\"It's okay that you're not that fit because you're actually quite funny.\" - Said by some male friends as school",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 242,
"story_text": "You have a monobrow and it's disgusting.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 243,
"story_text": "That'll look really nice on you once you've lost some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 244,
"story_text": "As a teenager, perhaps 12 or 13, a boy pointed at my bare legs and laughed at how hairy they were. Everyone around me joined him in laughing at me. I felt utterly ashamed. I had up until this point not even noticed. That was the last time... I've probably thought about my body hair everyday for 20 years.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 245,
"story_text": "She's so flat chested, she looks like a man.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 246,
"story_text": "You look so skinny, like not in a good way. You can see your ribs.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 247,
"story_text": "\"Urgh, why would you do that to yourself?\" - In response to flexing my biceps and lats.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 248,
"story_text": "If you put more effort in you would DEFINITELY be prettier.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 249,
"story_text": "\"Oh look, it's cellullite Sally\" My name is not even Sally.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 250,
"story_text": "People will like you AFTER you speak to them, not before.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 251,
"story_text": "Your nose is like a mountain.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 252,
"story_text": "She'd look better if she wore a bag over her head.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 253,
"story_text": "Whilst eating a chocolate bar a guy three years older than me said \"a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 254,
"story_text": "Do you think you look like an athlete? Losing some weight might make you faster.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 255,
"story_text": "I won't be attracted to you if you gain weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 256,
"story_text": "I can't work out if she looks more like a witch or like Hagrid.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 257,
"story_text": "You've got airbags for an ass.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 258,
"story_text": "Girls who wear make-up are fake.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 259,
"story_text": "Did you get glasses so he wouldn’t fancy you anymore?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 260,
"story_text": "You've got circles under your eyes.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 261,
"story_text": "You are fat.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 262,
"story_text": "Yeah, well you have stretch marks.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 263,
"story_text": "You're a Ferrari hidden in a Toyota.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 264,
"story_text": "I'm happy you finally decided to lose weight and do something with your body.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 265,
"story_text": "Give me a call when you've finished your diet.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 266,
"story_text": "\"Sorry, it's better to break up, I don't want other people to see us together.\" \"Why?\" \"Because you're fat.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 267,
"story_text": "Why are you surprised? You're single because you're ugly and fat. No one will ever want you!",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 268,
"story_text": "I'll think about it, but please remember that I'm not used to dating ugly and fat girls.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 269,
"story_text": "You look too thin.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 270,
"story_text": "Brush your eyebrows, you look messy.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 271,
"story_text": "You would be so attractive if you lost some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 272,
"story_text": "My boyfriend's mom, when I was 15, said that she had never been as big as me even when she was pregnant.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 273,
"story_text": "Overhearing colleagues talking about how disgusting under arm hair is - and shaming people who let theirs grow.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 274,
"story_text": "\"Ah you've straightened your hair - it's nice to see you make an effort.\" - Said by my manager on a night out.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 275,
"story_text": "\"You'll have to dye your hair now as you have a few grey hairs.\" - A colleague ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 276,
"story_text": "He has a face like half a pound of slapped tripe!",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 277,
"story_text": "I always describe my mother as being round and having troll feet! I do it in a joking way and she truly does not mind but I am wondering if this gives a negative signal to my children that shaming is okay as long as it's funny.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 278,
"story_text": "\"You are definitely overweight and need to lose weight.\" - Said to me when I was 11 years old by a grown woman.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 279,
"story_text": "\"It's a shame about her face as she has an amazing body\" - Said by a friend.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 280,
"story_text": "Look at you - you have no control over yourself. You are pathetic.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 281,
"story_text": "At least you lost weight, if you'd gained it you'd be worse off.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 282,
"story_text": "You really need to shave your legs.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 283,
"story_text": "Girls with freckles will never be pretty.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 284,
"story_text": "\"Would you like me to do your eyebrows for you?\" - Said by the 10 year old I was babysitting.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 285,
"story_text": "Being gifted laser hair removal as my 18th birthday present from my mum.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 286,
"story_text": "You could look so nice if you made an effort.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 287,
"story_text": "\"Guys don't date girls they wouldn't necessarily beat in a fight, you're just too big.\" ",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 288,
"story_text": "You're just not pretty - it's not in your genes.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 289,
"story_text": "I can't believe you don’t have a thigh gap.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 290,
"story_text": "No offence, but I'm glad I didn’t end up ginger.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 291,
"story_text": "I really like her outfit but she hasn't really got the body type for it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 292,
"story_text": "You look like a man child.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 293,
"story_text": "You look like a pregnant boy.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 294,
"story_text": "Haha you've got monkey boobs.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 295,
"story_text": "\"You need to stop eating McDonalds.\" - From my dad.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 296,
"story_text": "\"Why are you so fat?\" - From a 9 year old goddaughter.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 297,
"story_text": "\"Fat b*****d\" - A cat call from a group of lads in a passing car.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 298,
"story_text": "From school - \"I'm going to call you Pugwash because you are fat like him.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 299,
"story_text": "\"Surely it's not feminine to have a six pack.\" Father to daughter.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 300,
"story_text": "\"Ew, your legs are so hairy.\" I was nine.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 301,
"story_text": "\"You should shave that.\" As he points to my upper lip.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 302,
"story_text": "\"Oi, thick thighs\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 303,
"story_text": "Girls like you shouldn't wear crop-tops.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 304,
"story_text": "No one will take you seriously with eyebrows like that.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 305,
"story_text": "I prefer it when girls don't wear as much make up as you. Why would I find someone attractive when I can't see their face properly?",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 306,
"story_text": "You should think about losing some weight, you'd be so attractive if you did.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 307,
"story_text": "\"Your problem is you're always snacking. If you stop picking you could lose some weight.\" - Said by my husband.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 308,
"story_text": "\"Oh that mole is really sticking out now... visit your GP, they'll take it off.\" - Said by my mum.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 309,
"story_text": "Oh she looks so old, she's not looked after herself at all.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 310,
"story_text": "\"You're spiky like a velcro strip.\" - Said by everyone in my family at some point.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 311,
"story_text": "You're so skinny, you look so gormless.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 312,
"story_text": "*Touches my leg* \"Just checking if you've started to shave yet.\" I was in junior school.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 313,
"story_text": "You can't be a gymnast, you're not pretty enough.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 314,
"story_text": "Girls don't have moustaches.",
"created_datetime": "2019-10-30T12:25:09Z"
"id": 318,
"story_text": "“Men should be with women who have curves.” Being body shamed by a grown woman because she is jealous that the man she wants likes you instead is abhorrent. I hate to admit but it got to me.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-04T15:45:12.752394Z"
"id": 319,
"story_text": "Someone at school pointed out that my tooth was 'twisted'. I later got braces to fix it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T09:38:10.686028Z"
"id": 320,
"story_text": "You're just so bony and skinny. You look like a concentration camp survivor.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T10:03:38.011322Z"
"id": 321,
"story_text": "Everyone in our family has big thighs, you have them too. It's just the way we are.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T10:11:25.156354Z"
"id": 322,
"story_text": "Do you need to eat that? Haven't you had enough?",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T10:11:56.065925Z"
"id": 323,
"story_text": "When I first started shaving I never knew I had to shave my knees too, I'll never forget when a boy asked me what was wrong with them when he noticed them in a morning assembly - I was upset and embarrassed and desperate to go home all day.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T12:50:39.759561Z"
"id": 324,
"story_text": "Your belly is like a muffin top over your jeans.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-08T15:04:26.147777Z"
"id": 325,
"story_text": "\"Wow, you've got a 'lard-arse' - never thought you'd be bigger than me\". I was 8-months pregnant, but still ashamed.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-09T13:03:50.984839Z"
"id": 326,
"story_text": "Let me introduce you to foundation - a ‘spotty’ girl’s best friend.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-09T13:04:36.429425Z"
"id": 327,
"story_text": "I love it when you straighten your hair - it looks like you've made an effort for once.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-12T14:46:52.472261Z"
"id": 328,
"story_text": "I get stared at or called names all the time. “See that FAT lady\" I try not to show that I heard them and carry on but gets to me every time. I have been ‘told off’ about being BIG ever since I can remember - family, relatives, friends, colleagues - everyone has something to say. “Have you tried this? Or that?\" ”Girls shouldn’t be BIG!”",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-13T14:57:44.367436Z"
"id": 329,
"story_text": "I get a lot of shame for not looking or dressing like an \"ideal\" guy with a load of muscles and tight fit tops. I like to dress up in colourful clothing but people say I look homosexual all the time. This just reinforces unhealthy stereotypes toward how straight men should look and act, and how anyone who differs from the usual is \"gay\" just because they're different.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-13T15:41:23.032296Z"
"id": 330,
"story_text": "At a family bbq, my mother handed pizza, burgers, etc round for all the guests. When she got to me she stopped and said \"now, you don't need this, you'll get fat and we can't have that. You need to look good\". Everyone in the room heard and said anything. I was by no means overweight in the slightest. I am a size 10. I don't think I'll ever get over that.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-14T00:40:30.967681Z"
"id": 331,
"story_text": "It was freshers week and there was so much pressure on nights out to look good, and make the best first impressions. One evening all the girls were in one person’s room, all getting ready together. We were swapping clothes when one girl grabbed her top back from another claiming “oh no you can't borrow my clothes. You’re too fat. You’ll stretch them and I can’t wear them again.” She left the room, and we could hear her cry on the phone later on. I’m ashamed I never called that out then.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-14T21:12:22.556345Z"
"id": 332,
"story_text": "I am a 38 year old, 6ft 1 woman with size 9 feet, who experiences frequent comments about how large my feet are (as if I hadnt noticed!), remarks about the length of my face and questions about my gender. People seem to feel comfortable mentioning these things to me and questioning whether in fact I am a 'real' woman; even in 2019 when one would think we might be a more accepting and diverse society.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T07:46:06.292560Z"
"id": 333,
"story_text": "Having had many teeth extracted and not being able to afford the dental intervention to correct this, I am faced with many assumptions and judgments as to how others perceive me. People assume you are a 'druggie' for example. Having less teeth affects the shape of your face, can significantly age you and also affects social communication and identity. This can all contribute to feeling ashamed and to having a low sense of self worth.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T08:05:31.781648Z"
"id": 334,
"story_text": "My aunt (who is short) once said to me \"You've got duck's disease like me - your butt is too close to the floor\".",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T09:33:31.192849Z"
"id": 335,
"story_text": "In PE at school I had a group of popular girls start whispering about my legs because I hadn't started shaving yet. It lasted the entire class. I went home and demanded my mom let me shave and show me how to so I wouldn't be picked on again like that.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T09:35:47.890877Z"
"id": 336,
"story_text": "In year 7 I was bullied really badly for my acne. I have blocked most of the year out of my memory even to this day.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T09:43:24.920663Z"
"id": 337,
"story_text": "When I was really young, age 7, I was picked on for wearing glasses and at one point even went around the corner of the school at break time to cry. I had a roving eye and was too ashamed to wear my eye patch to school.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T09:50:50.312597Z"
"id": 338,
"story_text": "When I first got spots I was so self conscious I borrowed my mum's concealer to try to cover my acne up, without any knowledge of make up tones etc. Someone at school pointed out the orange blotches on my face and I was so embarrassed and upset.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T13:36:48.951106Z"
"id": 339,
"story_text": "I had alopecia when I was a kid and I was called ‘Baldie’ and even ‘Apatachie’ I used to get bullied but I just put up with it. People are so cruel.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T15:44:16.225773Z"
"id": 340,
"story_text": "Wow. Your eczema is really bad, isn't it? You're all scaly, like a lizard.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T15:45:22.548586Z"
"id": 341,
"story_text": "Hey, you. The big one.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T15:48:16.299134Z"
"id": 342,
"story_text": "You know the reason you have a ‘triangle of doom‘ in your shirt is because your boobs are too fat. Either lose weight or buy bigger clothes.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T17:04:17.682519Z"
"id": 343,
"story_text": "My then boyfriend was 'grossed out' by the fact that he could feel my spine when he hugged me. He told me we needed to feed me up. I was already self-conscious about eating in-front of him.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-15T19:25:09.848267Z"
"id": 344,
"story_text": "\"You've grown more of a moustache and beard than any man can grow, why don't you make an effort to remove it?\" said my cousin.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-16T12:03:08.978877Z"
"id": 345,
"story_text": "My doctor told me I wasn't as pretty as my older sister. I was 11 and already had low self esteem due to bed wetting from a young age. I believe this had a knock on effect to a lot of poor decision making growing up. Still get that heart sinking feeling when I think about it.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-17T18:27:22.641513Z"
"id": 346,
"story_text": "I was bullied for a blood spot on my face at school.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-17T18:29:59.851688Z"
"id": 347,
"story_text": "When I was younger, my boyfriend at the time told me I had weird nipples because they didn't point out all the time. I got upset and told my girl friends who I was living with. They sat me down and we all showed each other our nipples to show that no one is the same - there's not a way that something 'should look'.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-18T16:06:57.474742Z"
"id": 348,
"story_text": "It happened so often (especially at school) that I could not recall any particular instance. It took many years for me to realise just how common this is. Not only is it cruel, but the damage to confidence can last for years, and the emotional affect can go very deep.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-19T17:33:53.261134Z"
"id": 349,
"story_text": "\"Oh! What a shame ! You have such a pretty face !\" I was always compared to my stick thin sister when I just had a bigger build. I was a healthy size 12/14 but I was told I was fat constantly. I believed them. I always felt fat even though I wasn't.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-19T17:34:05.071892Z"
"id": 350,
"story_text": "\"People are going to think you didn't make an effort to lose weight for your wedding. You'll look fat and ugly in your wedding dress!\" - from my sister.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-19T17:34:17.511957Z"
"id": 351,
"story_text": "I got severely ill with a chest infection and developed pneumonia. I was so sick that I lost a lot of weight. My sister told me \"It's a good thing you got sick, at least you're thinner.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-20T18:51:02.868818Z"
"id": 352,
"story_text": "Suck the gut in.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-21T18:21:37.245883Z"
"id": 353,
"story_text": "Cheers, big ears.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-21T18:26:09.592961Z"
"id": 354,
"story_text": "Your top lip is telling me you missed a wax.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-22T14:24:31.282586Z"
"id": 355,
"story_text": "You're a lot bigger than you used to be.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-25T23:46:32.353801Z"
"id": 356,
"story_text": "Should you be so spotty at your age?",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-25T23:53:24.929492Z"
"id": 357,
"story_text": "\"Your nose is a funny shape from a side profile. Very big.\" - I'd never thought about how I looked from different angles before.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:03:23.001660Z"
"id": 358,
"story_text": "It’s a shame you have blonde hair and big boobs. I bet no one ever takes you seriously.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:03:45.394635Z"
"id": 359,
"story_text": "Why is your hair so frizzy? It would be so much better if it was thicker.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:04:27.775049Z"
"id": 360,
"story_text": "Did you do your makeup in the dark?",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:04:57.186078Z"
"id": 361,
"story_text": "“When is your baby due?” - I was not pregnant.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:05:19.342887Z"
"id": 362,
"story_text": "Your arms remind me of sausages.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-26T14:53:52.318204Z"
"id": 363,
"story_text": "You don't look as tall as you are because you're so chunky.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T13:26:19.321633Z"
"id": 364,
"story_text": "Even though you've lost weight, you still have that double chin.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T13:49:37.870106Z"
"id": 365,
"story_text": "Your red hair would be so much more striking if you had green eyes.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T13:51:11.998633Z"
"id": 366,
"story_text": "Women shouldn't have pubic hair, it's disgusting.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T13:52:01.071105Z"
"id": 367,
"story_text": "You need a better concealer for your dark circles.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:01:43.997561Z"
"id": 368,
"story_text": "Only witches have black hair.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:02:37.762903Z"
"id": 369,
"story_text": "Shall I pull that grey hair out for you?",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:03:07.433565Z"
"id": 370,
"story_text": "You know if you had your eyebrows shaped by a professional your face would look much skinnier.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:03:49.647402Z"
"id": 371,
"story_text": "You're getting wrinkles. Time for eye cream!",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:05:29.209061Z"
"id": 372,
"story_text": "Your hair is too dark for your complexion. You should really consider some highlights to make it less stark.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:07:46.427296Z"
"id": 373,
"story_text": "At a makeup counter - \"You have really deep set eyes\". I'd never considered it before but it made me think that my eyes are quite sunk in to my face.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:08:20.626403Z"
"id": 374,
"story_text": "My friend has just started a beauty business and now keeps talking to me about wrinkles etc. I'm only 31 and am self conscious already, but the pressure she is putting on it makes me feel worse.",
"created_datetime": "2019-11-29T14:10:42.806406Z"
"id": 375,
"story_text": "You have quite skinny legs for such a big body.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T09:27:53.542973Z"
"id": 376,
"story_text": "You do ballet? That's hilarious. I keep thinking of an elephant in a tutu.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T09:28:32.202238Z"
"id": 377,
"story_text": "Brown eyes are really unattractive - they're so common.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T09:48:48.677040Z"
"id": 378,
"story_text": "Don't weight train too much, women with muscular bodies are gross.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:25:57.570936Z"
"id": 379,
"story_text": "You looked so much better with a tan.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:27:03.730218Z"
"id": 380,
"story_text": "Look at your snaggletooth!",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:27:41.736306Z"
"id": 381,
"story_text": "I've never seen such freckled arms.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:28:47.095108Z"
"id": 382,
"story_text": "I overheard my mum say to my father that I was 'as big as a his mother' because she was angry with me for asking for a second bag of popcorn. I was not overweight and I was 9 years old.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:29:02.119263Z"
"id": 383,
"story_text": "Her body is like a rectangle, it just has no shape whatsoever. Not womanly at all.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:29:16.361890Z"
"id": 384,
"story_text": "Wearing chipped nail polish is like wearing dirty underwear.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-02T16:30:55.703930Z"
"id": 385,
"story_text": "You could look so pretty if you just made an effort occasionally.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-03T15:16:56.550915Z"
"id": 386,
"story_text": "“Your tummy is all fat” - said by my 5 year old nephew at the beach.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-05T15:35:15.464122Z"
"id": 387,
"story_text": "“There are some people in the world who need to wear makeup, and you are one of them.” - My mum to my 16 year old self.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-06T16:43:27.218573Z"
"id": 388,
"story_text": "Your business will never be successful because of the way you look.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-07T09:41:57.211288Z"
"id": 389,
"story_text": "New haircut? Much better!",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-08T18:55:52.576426Z"
"id": 390,
"story_text": "Your dress would be nice but it really clings to your stomach.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-08T18:56:09.938434Z"
"id": 391,
"story_text": "Shave your legs! Shave your armpits! Do you think you're a man?",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-11T06:57:35.788942Z"
"id": 392,
"story_text": "My husband calls me 'Frodo' because I have hairy toes. I wax them religiously but it upsets me so much.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-12T10:13:41.487198Z"
"id": 393,
"story_text": "\"The world isn't fair. Some people get to look like Kylie Jenner and then others look like me and you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-12T10:15:06.914926Z"
"id": 394,
"story_text": "My mother-in-law asked me to stay away from the mirror during my pregnancy lest the baby might turn out to be dark skinned like myself!",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-13T13:14:06.076937Z"
"id": 395,
"story_text": "Three weeks after my son was born I went out for the first time and a female friend commented “you look really good for just having a baby, you only have a tiny Buddha belly”. I went home shortly after and cried.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-16T18:48:30.909950Z"
"id": 396,
"story_text": "When me and my ex boyfriend broke up he told me that he never liked my hairy legs anyway.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-17T23:06:01.778450Z"
"id": 397,
"story_text": "My gym instructor said to us last night to 'eat in moderation' over Christmas and not 'throw all the good work on our figures away'. I go there to keep fit and feel good, not to worry about how I look and be encouraged to think like that.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-18T09:08:38.755408Z"
"id": 398,
"story_text": "When we used to go out for family dinners my mum wouldn’t let me eat in the restaurant because I was too fat. I’m now scared to eat out.",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-18T12:50:53.036511Z"
"id": 399,
"story_text": "When I told people I was going to join the rowing club because I live near the water and want to meet some new people almost everyone I told said “your back and shoulders are going to get big.” No one said “wonderful! You’ll get in great shape, or get strong” etc. God forbid we do something that makes our heart, muscles and bones strong if it makes our back and shoulders big!",
"created_datetime": "2019-12-30T17:38:15.230874Z"
"id": 400,
"story_text": "OMG. You have so many pimples on your face! Why don't you put some make-up on? Your face looks so dull.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-02T19:07:00.827910Z"
"id": 401,
"story_text": "You should do something about your hair, it's so boring.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-02T19:08:52.166784Z"
"id": 402,
"story_text": "I was 16, had just finished school and started junior college. A boy who sat beside me in class in the first week looked at my arms and said, \"you should wax your arms. All girls do.\" My arms barely have any hair, it's literally invisible. He was a random person.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-02T19:12:45.040719Z"
"id": 403,
"story_text": "\"Cover them, no one needs to see this.\" \"You look like you're breast-feeding.\" \"They are huge!\" \"You look slutty in that dress.\" Just some of the comments I get about my DD breasts which make me feel awful and hideous.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-03T13:30:36.563028Z"
"id": 404,
"story_text": "I walked into my family Christmas to \"what's with all the cleavage?\". I've put on weight and so my chest is more prominent than before. I spent the whole day with my coat on because I felt so embarrassed and humiliated",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-06T09:40:53.385522Z"
"id": 405,
"story_text": "I had a very stressful period and gained 8 kilos quite fast. My boyfriend told me I had \"fat drooping from the sides\". I cried the whole evening. Later he apologised. With time I lost those kilos and more, but ever since I haven't even considered wearing anything close-fitting.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-06T22:45:02.410674Z"
"id": 406,
"story_text": "\"I didn't sign up for a fat girlfriend. You really need to get on top of your weight gain it's getting out of control. I don't like being seen out with you and you've forced me to have to say something.\" - My first serious boyfriend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-07T13:09:45.272512Z"
"id": 407,
"story_text": "“You put on weight over Christmas.” - said by my sister.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-07T16:36:28.945284Z"
"id": 408,
"story_text": "You have such tiny nostrils, I've never noticed before. They're hilarious.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-10T10:50:36.090059Z"
"id": 409,
"story_text": "“Is this the year you finally stick to losing your weight? No one wants to be a fat 30 year old.” - My sister.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-10T13:53:31.706471Z"
"id": 410,
"story_text": "I was an athlete in high school (soccer) and we trained all year long. I'm five feet tall and was able to develop lots of muscle. I was constantly told by the boy's team that I had \"man legs\". It was relentless and embarrassing. I didn't try out for my university's team and told everyone I wanted to focus on my studies rather than the real reason which was to stop my body from bulking up. I only do cardio now and this was over 20 years ago. If everyone thought \"is this true, is this necessary and is this kind\" before they spoke then a lot of people would suffer less.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-10T17:59:57.439619Z"
"id": 411,
"story_text": "My friends called me 'finger toes' when I wore sandals to an evening out. I never buy or wear open shoes because of that and it was 15 years ago.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-13T10:16:27.269625Z"
"id": 412,
"story_text": "My toes are quite curled over and somebody called me \"crow toes\" at school.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-14T08:54:24.345151Z"
"id": 413,
"story_text": "\"When Mum brought you home from hospital the first time I wanted her to take you back because I thought you were fat and ugly. You also stank.\" - My sister. I still fight against feeling ugly, fat and smelly after about 30 years.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T10:32:58.946208Z"
"id": 414,
"story_text": "\"You look blobby.\" - said by my mum, maybe once a month since I can remember.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T14:42:59.320001Z"
"id": 415,
"story_text": "He told me he likes thin, dark skinned girls with short kinky African hair and small boobs because they are more sensitive. I'm a chubby, light skinned girl with long permed hair and cup size DDD.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T16:57:54.694535Z"
"id": 416,
"story_text": "My sister told me my panties are \"so big\" and asked me what size of underwear I will be wearing when I'm a grandma.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T16:59:55.897457Z"
"id": 417,
"story_text": "When I was in high school- an all girls school- my classmates made fun of how big my boobs were after swimming in P.E. class. They called them jugs which is very offensive. I haven't been swimming in 14 years.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T17:02:16.476792Z"
"id": 418,
"story_text": "My Mom was telling our company, \" You should see her (my) fat rolls when she's sitting in the bathtub, she has three rolls!\" - laughter all around. I wanted to die.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-15T20:39:58.383689Z"
"id": 419,
"story_text": "A taxi driver was once helping me put my suitcase in the boot of the car in front of friends and stangers, and remarked “that’s so heavy, what've you got in there? I know you're a big girl but still”, as if my size some how correlated with how much I had packed.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-17T15:12:08.298531Z"
"id": 420,
"story_text": "If you want the results that you're imagining, it's going to take a bunch of work.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-18T23:23:34.572455Z"
"id": 421,
"story_text": "“You’d be so much prettier if you lost weight”. That’s a classic one! So many comments about my weight when I was literally a child: yes I was a bigger child, but a child all the same. And even when I lost quite a bit of weight the feeling of being ‘ugly’ was still with me, and I felt even worse because I denied myself the food I love. So now I eat and wear what I like, but it is so deeply ingrained it’s hard for even the biggest feminist to escape. I like to wear colourful make up and cool, ‘out there’ clothes. I get lots of funny looks. But I’m not dressing and styling myself for anyone else but me. So I’ll have my blue hair, tattoos, and eat my fries and cake thank you.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-19T14:57:03.822552Z"
"id": 422,
"story_text": "You can't get away with short skirts anymore. Dress your age. Do want to look like mutton dressed as lamb?",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-19T14:59:26.076691Z"
"id": 423,
"story_text": "I was walking home from working and as I passed a car full of lads one said \"Shame about her nose!\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-19T19:46:10.544043Z"
"id": 424,
"story_text": "I was bullied between the ages of 10 and 15 for being overweight. I started a disastrous diet for 6 months eating only carrots and apple. I had hormonal imbalances, depression, and lost my beautiful hair forever. I was hiding away from people thinking that I was still ugly and fat. Then I started eating normal and for 2 decades I maintained a healthy weight until I had insomnia. Due to lack of sleep I would empty the refrigerator just to calm my self down. You can't imagine the comments I received - people thought I was 'lazy' and indulging in food. I stopped listening to their comments and decided to lose weight because I want to be healthy and exercising helped me with my insomnia. I'm taking things easy and not stressing myself by setting a time frame for losing weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-19T23:07:30.078598Z"
"id": 425,
"story_text": "Why is it only ugly, fat women that are feminists?",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T09:51:30.615438Z"
"id": 426,
"story_text": "\"Maybe you should keep your hands out of the wedding pictures, let's just say they're not your best feature.\" - My husband in front of our wedding photographer at our first consultation.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T10:00:44.575390Z"
"id": 427,
"story_text": "I’ve got a serious back injury and I am on medically advised bed rest. When talking to my mother about food she said \"don’t eat too much else you’ll get heavy!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T11:33:26.420731Z"
"id": 428,
"story_text": "When the sun hits your hair you're a right ginger. Are you a secret ginger?",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T12:01:57.544082Z"
"id": 429,
"story_text": "\"There's something very wrong with your hair.\" - My boyfriend the first time he saw me without my hair straightened.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T13:30:28.881989Z"
"id": 430,
"story_text": "My sister likes to point out my wrinkles every time I see her.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T13:30:55.821728Z"
"id": 431,
"story_text": "I had a guy tell me on a first date that I was really pretty. He said if I lost weight I'd be even prettier. That he'd probably have to beat a few guys off of me with a stick now but if I lost weight he'd have a long line of guys to do it to.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-20T23:43:07.778094Z"
"id": 432,
"story_text": "\"I'd probably wear a swimming costume if I were you\" - my friend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-21T11:57:04.124719Z"
"id": 433,
"story_text": "You could fry an egg on that greasy hair.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-22T13:42:36.172227Z"
"id": 434,
"story_text": "When I first saw you I thought you were a 'three pinter' but now I know you, your personality has changed my mind.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-23T13:50:39.674992Z"
"id": 435,
"story_text": "Your concealer is too dark for your face. You have orange blotches.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-23T14:50:37.735484Z"
"id": 436,
"story_text": "\"You look better with less/more weight on\" - the amount of times I've heard this from fellow women breaks my heart.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-23T15:10:41.790110Z"
"id": 437,
"story_text": "You shouldn't wear shorts even if you're perfect (too thin) as it gives the wrong idea to other girls.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-23T15:11:47.671174Z"
"id": 438,
"story_text": "\"Are you sure you've never had high blood pressure, gestational diabetes or any other complications?\" - Asked by my doctor repeatedly as if she couldn't believe a fat mom of four could have all low risk pregnancies.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-24T03:24:17.595644Z"
"id": 439,
"story_text": "“You look so much more like your sister when you are thinner.” - Said by my mom.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-24T03:25:17.648933Z"
"id": 440,
"story_text": "Moms shouldn't allow their young sons to have long hair. They look like girls!",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-24T03:26:18.708991Z"
"id": 441,
"story_text": "I told a friend I was cutting my hair. I have a fringe and she said, “oh so you’re going to look like dora the explorer.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-25T20:46:32.716684Z"
"id": 442,
"story_text": "Sometimes you go a little over the top with your make-up and it's embarrassing. None of my friend's wives wear make-up.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-27T08:01:14.999827Z"
"id": 443,
"story_text": "My daughter always points out my nasal hairs.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-27T15:59:18.630963Z"
"id": 444,
"story_text": "\"You'll never get a boy to like you when you're that thin.\" - My nan in the kitchen in front of my mum when I was 13 and struggling with anorexia. My mum didn't say anything on the matter.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-27T16:44:39.352200Z"
"id": 445,
"story_text": "Last year I went to a job interview for a coffee shop. At the end of the interview that had gone very well I was told the owner doesn't allow any more than 'one stud in each ear' so I would have to remove the rest of my piercings. There are no health and safety standards that require you to not have metal in your face or ears in a coffee shop.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-27T16:48:33.186009Z"
"id": 446,
"story_text": "Your baby girl looks like a boy. You should dress her in more feminine clothes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-28T11:09:29.044813Z"
"id": 447,
"story_text": "\"At least you've lost weight since you've had this illness.\" - My coworker to me while I'm going through a diagnosis for a chronic illness.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-28T17:06:07.804278Z"
"id": 448,
"story_text": "\"I like how your face is a different colour to the rest of your body\" - A comment from a friend about me wearing the wrong shade of foundation and not realising.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-29T09:55:53.158453Z"
"id": 449,
"story_text": "\"You dress so well for your size!\" A very common comment from both friends and strangers as if it's a big surprise that a fat person can dress well.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-29T17:33:07.800863Z"
"id": 450,
"story_text": "You're better looking with your glasses on.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-30T14:41:13.249643Z"
"id": 451,
"story_text": "You wear a size 16? You don't look that big. Lucky you!",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-30T14:49:21.797645Z"
"id": 452,
"story_text": "My mum puts on a great buffet with far too much food every time we all go over for a family day. She encourages everyone to tuck in, except me. I am always told that the food isn't for me because of my weight. I usually eat what I want and she tells me I am bad and shakes her head. I love my mum but when she polices my food it and judges me it hurts so much.",
"created_datetime": "2020-01-31T19:24:23.270443Z"
"id": 453,
"story_text": "“Now you’ve decided you’re not having more kids you can focus on your body” - My aunt.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-01T09:29:54.052812Z"
"id": 454,
"story_text": "You’d be so much prettier if you lost some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-02T00:47:39.674128Z"
"id": 455,
"story_text": "My grandmother, having not seen me for a few months, patted my stomach and said \"you've put some weight on haven't you!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-03T10:58:02.234107Z"
"id": 456,
"story_text": "The repeated needling of my mother throughout my life: \"Why can't you be more ladylike?!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-03T10:59:06.569565Z"
"id": 457,
"story_text": "“Roses are red, violets are black, why is your chest as flat as my back?” - Tinder Match",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-03T15:51:32.682824Z"
"id": 458,
"story_text": "I haven't noticed how big your feet are before. They're like barges.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-03T16:01:36.537775Z"
"id": 459,
"story_text": "“I prefer your personality when you wear makeup! “ -an ex boyfriend",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-04T20:35:13.951561Z"
"id": 460,
"story_text": "You have 'short man syndrome'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-05T09:07:47.072921Z"
"id": 461,
"story_text": "I like you better in make-up and underwear.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-05T11:50:29.645384Z"
"id": 462,
"story_text": "Just imagine the hot girl that's underneath all that fat.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-05T11:53:10.768421Z"
"id": 463,
"story_text": "When I was 15 my dad looked at me and said “I don’t understand how you can spend so much time in front of the mirror doing your hair and make-up, but not spend any time doing something about your weight.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-06T01:57:29.323986Z"
"id": 464,
"story_text": "My father said “this is no way for a girl of 20 to look.” This was after years of bulimia (which he didn't know about) and years of borderline anorexia. So he paid for me to go to a dietitian to lose weight. It took until I was 43 to finally stop trying to change my body.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-08T07:28:20.312088Z"
"id": 465,
"story_text": "My sister said “you've got everything going for you, if you just lost weight, you'd be perfect!”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-08T07:29:09.229565Z"
"id": 466,
"story_text": "My sister said “you look like you've got 2 halves from 2 different bodies. Top half is from a size 10 body. Bottom half from a size 16 body.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-08T07:30:16.341958Z"
"id": 467,
"story_text": "I was 14yrs old stood at a dance class in full leotard, the two beautiful aspirational dance teachers at the front of ballet and modern speaking in hushed tones - “yeah she looks like she’s lost weight” - that threw petrol on my already burning desire to fit in and look like a proper dancer.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-09T21:21:03.440472Z"
"id": 468,
"story_text": "A boy I really, really liked said I was built like a brick s*** house and mentioned the name Fatima Whitbread. I didn’t know what either of those things meant until I asked my mom. Needless to say I was upset.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-09T21:21:50.641538Z"
"id": 469,
"story_text": "You should dress for your size, not for fashion. Fashion is for skinny people and models. Do you look like a model? No.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-10T09:55:04.423862Z"
"id": 470,
"story_text": "I was in a check-out queue this morning. The checkout clerk was admiring a little girl whose father was buying groceries. She commented \"she's so cute.\" The little girl, about 3 years old, beamed. I felt sad knowing her socialisation was already truly underway; that she's learned to perform cuteness.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-10T16:24:44.548082Z"
"id": 471,
"story_text": "You can’t be a famous singer because you don’t look like one.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-10T19:01:49.858060Z"
"id": 472,
"story_text": "My father said, \"You should have more fat because skinny is not good\" when I was 20 years old and I felt broken hearted.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-11T11:18:24.364899Z"
"id": 473,
"story_text": "I have always been bullied about my weight and felt horrible about myself. After losing five stone I went shopping with my sister for my uni prom dress. I tried on the dress of my dreams and when I stepped out of the changing room to show her she said, \"you look like a boy with saggy boobs of skin\". I didn't go to prom.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-11T15:20:15.180989Z"
"id": 474,
"story_text": "\"No woman in this family wears shoes larger than 7 1/2.\" (US size, told when I was age 12 and pressured into wearing/buying shoes two sizes too small.) I am nearly 50 now. I have size 9 feet.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T07:37:53.790819Z"
"id": 475,
"story_text": "You've lost so much weight you don't have boobs anymore.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T07:40:25.093435Z"
"id": 476,
"story_text": "Popular girl looks at my hands and says to me in front of my school friends, \"I would paint my nails but polish looks bad on short nails.\" I had painted my short nails. I remember this even though it happened 35 years ago. I am afraid to tell people how this bothers me because I fear sounding petty or crazy.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T07:49:35.586476Z"
"id": 477,
"story_text": "\"You have to wash more. Use a washcloth.\" I heard that as a child. My skin is a few shades darker than all my relatives. I am much lighter now, avoiding all outdoor sunlight, wearing large brimmed hats, using high sun protection lotions. I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. I wish people would stop commenting on children's skin color.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T07:56:30.052663Z"
"id": 478,
"story_text": "I mentioned to my sister on the phone after a job interview for a promotion that I forgot to bring my makeup. I had left it on the bathroom counter at home (six hour drive away). She immediately shouted, \"You're not going to get the job!\" I did not get an offer. My career stalled shortly after that, and I have been unemployed for three years. I sometimes feel very sad and believe she was right: I lost my career because I did not wear makeup.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T08:14:06.910193Z"
"id": 479,
"story_text": "\"You would look cuter if you cut your hair.\" - Told by a man who said he once dumped a girl because she cut her hair.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T08:56:40.065582Z"
"id": 480,
"story_text": "\"When Caucasian people tan, their skin turns a beautiful golden color. Orientals turn ugly brown.\" That is what I heard as a child, with brown skin from playing outside.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-12T09:07:57.447982Z"
"id": 481,
"story_text": "“You look like you need to exercise more. You should go on a run” - said by a boy who had never exercised and thought it was okay to lecture me. (Ironically, he didn’t seem to notice the netball hoodie I was wearing)",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T13:54:39.216797Z"
"id": 482,
"story_text": "My friend is a 32G bra size, another friend is a 32B and I am a 34D. One of our male friends decided to rank our sizes (after a female friend of ours told him) and said “only go for a 32 or below because no matter how big her tits are, anything above a 32 means she’s fat.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T13:56:51.963741Z"
"id": 484,
"story_text": "People often have said to me that I am too skinny and need to eat more. I just have a fast metabolism.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:03:01.362051Z"
"id": 485,
"story_text": "You should get your braces done, your teeth don’t look good when you smile!",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:05:27.959661Z"
"id": 486,
"story_text": "I decided to cut my hair short, and after that some people have called me “he” (who decided that girls/women have to have long hair?), and others keep calling it “lesbian haircut”. How on earth can you decide who someone falls in love with just based on their haircut?",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:11:37.488050Z"
"id": 487,
"story_text": "When I was 11 a friend told me I had a square forehead 'like a man'. I've had a fringe ever since.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:12:53.916960Z"
"id": 488,
"story_text": "“You don’t look sick” is a classic every time I have to explain that I am chronically ill.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:21:24.222305Z"
"id": 489,
"story_text": "“You’re extra healthy” - a euphemism for you’re so fat said by my mum.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:48:05.938797Z"
"id": 490,
"story_text": "I was talking with my male friends and they were joking about how one of their beards couldn’t connect. They then joked that my moustache would be able to fill the gap as it’s so noticeable. This was 20 mins before one of my A Levels. I was so upset that it impacted my grade and I got a U in that module.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:48:58.028106Z"
"id": 491,
"story_text": "I constantly have people commenting on my acne, telling me to drink more water and eat cleaner. It's the constant remarks about my skin that get to me, I wish they wouldn't stop me from seeing myself as beautiful.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:53:43.690947Z"
"id": 492,
"story_text": "You really need to clean your teeth. They’re yellow.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T14:56:44.273368Z"
"id": 493,
"story_text": "Turning red and people pointing at you as if you were some circus freak.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:28:56.272901Z"
"id": 494,
"story_text": "Quote from my Dad - \"You've got tree trunk legs like me unfortunately.\" I won't wear skirts, dresses or shorts without at least having thick tights on, and exercise obsessively to try and combat it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:47:47.957820Z"
"id": 495,
"story_text": "\"You've got sludge coloured eyes\" - I’ve been self conscious ever since.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:48:29.664902Z"
"id": 496,
"story_text": "My relatives always said “Stop training too much, girls are not supposed to have quads and biceps.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:49:09.022136Z"
"id": 497,
"story_text": "“You look like a fatter version of Billy Piper.” I’m a size 6.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:49:13.758155Z"
"id": 498,
"story_text": "\"You should do some tricep workouts, look at those bingo wings.\" I will no longer wear short sleeves.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:49:53.773326Z"
"id": 499,
"story_text": "You've lost too much weight, where have your boobs gone?!",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:50:40.763122Z"
"id": 500,
"story_text": "\"You're getting too skinny, all I can see is teeth.” - From my Mum.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:51:29.871503Z"
"id": 501,
"story_text": "I was picked to play a ballerina in a school play when I was in year 1 (age 5-6). Someone's mum complained to the teacher because I was “too fat to be a ballerina.” My mum then chose to keep reminding me about this comment years later. I'm 29 and it still bothers me to this day.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T15:58:32.658008Z"
"id": 502,
"story_text": "\"Wow the bags under your eyes are huge! You really should get more sleep.”",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:15:09.787081Z"
"id": 503,
"story_text": "I'm Pakistani and I was raised here in England. I went to Pakistan to meet my family/cousins. The aunties made me feel rubbish about my skin colour because I didn't meet the \"pale\" skin colour standard. Never going back there again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:17:02.180508Z"
"id": 504,
"story_text": "My friends nicknamed me 'Scrappy doo' because I'm short. I’m 39 now and still called it - it’s really humiliating.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:18:57.277162Z"
"id": 505,
"story_text": "My best mate commented that I had 'b***h tits' at school and it's stuck with me ever since. I work out everyday, thinking about it always forces me to do extra reps.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:20:56.160954Z"
"id": 506,
"story_text": "Every time when people say “you are so thin.” “Don’t you eat anything?” “Come eat this, stay at my place you will get in proper shape.” As if they know how much I eat. Slim shaming is horrible. The more I worry about it the more it effects my body, but society won't stop.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:39:28.890552Z"
"id": 507,
"story_text": "Your arms are so hairy maybe you should think about shaving.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:53:25.197333Z"
"id": 508,
"story_text": "At a school Mufti (non-uniform) day, I remember being told that I looked middle-aged because I was wearing a polar neck. I just thought it was soft but I never wore it again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:54:47.549631Z"
"id": 509,
"story_text": "My mum told me that I have to wear makeup or I’ll “look like a lesbian”. I have short hair. I am also aged 22 and still in the closet.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T16:57:01.224177Z"
"id": 510,
"story_text": "“You’re looking really healthy” - from every family member that knows I’ve been suffering from an eating disorder for years. I know they’re trying to be nice but honestly it just makes me feel like a freak.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T18:10:55.767300Z"
"id": 511,
"story_text": "Have you lost loads of weight? Yeah, you look dead gaunt in the face.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T18:13:48.378274Z"
"id": 512,
"story_text": "When I was 16 my 80 year old boss told me I should “stop eating so much”. Lucky I could hold my own at such a young age, because who knows what comments like that can do to a young teen.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T20:48:57.760423Z"
"id": 513,
"story_text": "A guy once told me “Oh you got a moustache!” in a conversation in a group of 3 people. I am a girl and still to this day it makes me want to eradicate it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T20:57:18.135943Z"
"id": 514,
"story_text": "“My grandson used to have horrible skin like yours. Have you tried medication? It did him the world of good.”\r\n“You should use baby oil, it’s what I use and my skin’s completely clear.”\r\nTwo separate customers I once served, during a time when no treatments were working on my acne.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T21:03:25.211324Z"
"id": 515,
"story_text": "“The value of a man is similar to a gold ring, even if the ring is faulty it still has value”. Thus saying that the man’s appearance doesn’t matter but as I’m a woman my value is apparently connected to my appearance and how fair my skin is.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T21:07:52.720632Z"
"id": 516,
"story_text": "Your nose looks like a pigs, you should get something done about that.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T21:34:48.846981Z"
"id": 517,
"story_text": "I got a pixie cut when I was 16 because I thought it looked cool. Some random stranger asked me, \"Why have you cut your hair short? I thought you were a boy!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T23:16:12.742802Z"
"id": 518,
"story_text": "I have encountered multiple people saying \"ni hao\" to me just because I looked Asian. Mandarin isn't even my language.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T23:18:52.374542Z"
"id": 519,
"story_text": "You would be prettier if you used contacts, wore makeup and lost some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-13T23:53:45.046164Z"
"id": 520,
"story_text": "When I was twelve, my dad told me he hopes I don't get as fat as my mom is.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-14T10:55:17.534743Z"
"id": 521,
"story_text": "You need to lose weight in order to look good.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-14T12:25:28.290533Z"
"id": 522,
"story_text": "Your eyes point in different directions.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-14T12:25:45.885381Z"
"id": 523,
"story_text": "Your legs are much bigger at the top aren't they!",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-14T15:19:06.269224Z"
"id": 524,
"story_text": "\"You should wear less makeup. You'd look so much better without all that stuff on your face\" - said by my boss",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-14T15:47:55.022533Z"
"id": 525,
"story_text": "Why are you so fat? You don't eat that much.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-15T22:33:18.586329Z"
"id": 526,
"story_text": "One day when I was undressing at my locker another girl I only knew from gym class started laughing. When someone asked her why she said, looking over at me, \"I never knew guy's with a mustache were allowed in the girl's locker room now.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-15T23:08:32.358715Z"
"id": 527,
"story_text": "When I was 14 I went cycling with my parents. I have dark hair and my body was always quite hairy. When we stopped for ice-cream and were sitting on the curb my mom looked down at my legs and said \"you should start shaving. Dad doesn't like that much hair”. I have never gotten over that and at 34 I am shaving every bit of it I can out of fear of the shame of someone seeing the hair growing on my arms, legs, toes, upper lip.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T14:01:40.819834Z"
"id": 528,
"story_text": "\"You should wear makeup\" - said by my mom.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T14:02:51.243312Z"
"id": 529,
"story_text": "\"You have to work out and watch your diet. Most girls put on 10kg when they turn 20. Look at your mom or grandmother, you don't want flobby arms like that, like fat wings\" said by my PE teacher to an all girl class when I was 13.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T14:04:40.710230Z"
"id": 530,
"story_text": "\"I can't believe grandma spoilt you so much! You are so fat! You need to loose weight right now!\" said my mom as she put me on a diet when I was 6 years old. I battle food addiction to this day - I am 36.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T14:06:05.745805Z"
"id": 531,
"story_text": "A random bloke grabbed my boob on the street when he was walking by and yelled \"you got nothing there, do ya?\" and laughed. I was battling anorexia and depression and almost killed myself after that.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T14:08:32.828758Z"
"id": 532,
"story_text": "My brothers girlfriend said \"you look so beautiful with makeup on\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-16T15:18:03.634303Z"
"id": 533,
"story_text": "Friend of my boyfriend at the time: \"Damn you look ROUGH!\" Me: \"No, I'm just not wearing make up.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-17T13:13:47.332041Z"
"id": 534,
"story_text": "“One side of your face is prettier than the other.” Said by a photographer I was working with - I hadn't asked for them to analyse my appearence and share it with me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-17T15:03:12.914241Z"
"id": 535,
"story_text": "“You’d look better if you lost a bit of weight.” - My now ex boyfriend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-17T15:39:34.774429Z"
"id": 536,
"story_text": "I'm overweight, curvy and finally feel happy in my own skin after years of bullying but my family constantly tell me to lose weight because \"no boy will marry me and I will be alone forever”.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-18T00:04:25.988475Z"
"id": 537,
"story_text": "No wonder your husband left you, you just let yourself go as soon as you got married.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-18T09:52:05.555554Z"
"id": 538,
"story_text": "At a family party this past weekend an Aunt told me that if my mum and I worked together we’d both be able to support each other to lose enough weight to be healthy. I’m 12.5 stone.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-18T19:20:57.928025Z"
"id": 539,
"story_text": "“I couldn't listen to her because her eyebrows were too distracting.” A colleague said this about another person in our organisation.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-19T16:21:56.758461Z"
"id": 540,
"story_text": "“You miss a lot of time at work because you're unwell but you always looks fine and you feel good enough to put make-up on. I don't blame you, I'd milk it too.” A colleague during a Fibromyalgia flare.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-20T09:58:28.546502Z"
"id": 541,
"story_text": "“You're too old to have 'little girl hair’. Once you're 30 long hair looks silly and unprofessional.” - My Mum.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-20T10:07:34.813162Z"
"id": 542,
"story_text": "“You're so lucky to have me now. No one else would ever want you.” My ex-husband remarking on my stretch marks. I was 18. It destroyed my self confidence forever.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-21T20:48:16.026550Z"
"id": 543,
"story_text": "You would look better without glasses. You should get a laser eye surgery. Think about it!",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-25T18:08:40.013424Z"
"id": 544,
"story_text": "I have a sister who's younger than me and I am overweight. Many times, several people have said that if I would lose some weight I would look more beautiful than her. This is not only rude towards me but also towards my sister. We know that both of us are beautiful the way we are.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-25T18:12:30.852209Z"
"id": 545,
"story_text": "My family once didn't let me go out with them in shorts because my legs were \"too hairy\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-25T22:07:41.761097Z"
"id": 546,
"story_text": "\"Your armpits are so hairy, not even men are like this anymore, shave it all off.\" - my boss.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-25T22:09:32.776663Z"
"id": 547,
"story_text": "You have frog eyes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T09:32:14.284864Z"
"id": 548,
"story_text": "I was a waitress for a while and we were made to wear tight dresses with short sleeves. One time my boss told me to suck my stomach in and stand straight. Another time a young girl with a family I was serving pointed at my arms and remarked loudly that they were hairy (I have quite hairy arms). Her mother didn’t say anything.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T12:36:30.478099Z"
"id": 549,
"story_text": "Think about how pretty you’d look without that thing (a headscarf) on your head.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T12:37:17.178847Z"
"id": 550,
"story_text": "I went out of physics today and when I came back in and walked past a group of boys to go sit back down I heard one of them say 'scruff' and another say 'pizza face'. They always make comments about my acne and it hurts.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T12:38:05.347910Z"
"id": 551,
"story_text": "In PE a group of boys started shouting 'spotty ****’ at me from across the class. The teacher overheard and said nothing.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T12:43:28.302913Z"
"id": 552,
"story_text": "That skirt really hides your fat tummy.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T13:06:57.932323Z"
"id": 553,
"story_text": "I'm loving the beard, hides your double chin. You almost look chiselled.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T13:07:46.775601Z"
"id": 554,
"story_text": "You're losing too much weight, it's starting to really age you.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T18:38:49.977887Z"
"id": 555,
"story_text": "Your feet are too big to wear flat shoes, your legs look like golf clubs. Try a heel.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T20:08:29.207396Z"
"id": 556,
"story_text": "\"I'm not the hot one in my family either.\" - An unprompted response to my boyfriend meeting my siblings.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T20:37:55.201728Z"
"id": 557,
"story_text": "People constantly say to my baby niece \"you're such a pretty girl\", \"you're so beautiful\". While this is 'positive' it's also very one dimensional and it's still lookism. I worry it will constrain her thoughts or ambitions if it continues while she is growing up because she can be so much more than her looks.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-27T20:39:11.588206Z"
"id": 558,
"story_text": "Don't swim too much - you'll get broad shoulders and that's not good for girls.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-28T11:16:54.742994Z"
"id": 559,
"story_text": "“Wow you’re so thin! Have you been doing something you shouldn’t be?” In response to my healthy recovery from stress, medication, and illness related weight gain.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-28T11:19:40.926708Z"
"id": 560,
"story_text": "I got made fun of once for having hairs down below as I was wearing a body suit. I do pole dancing and people online keep telling me how gross I look.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-28T11:20:21.223998Z"
"id": 561,
"story_text": "Your skin is quite bad really isn't it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-28T11:21:11.145400Z"
"id": 562,
"story_text": "Every time someone tells me to put my book down and go to the gym because 'it would make it easier to find a man' hurts. Like brains aren't sexy (I have been married for 5 years).",
"created_datetime": "2020-02-28T11:22:11.172029Z"
"id": 563,
"story_text": "Maybe you should wear some makeup, you look half dead.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-02T11:36:06.756139Z"
"id": 564,
"story_text": "I am bald and for secret Santa at my work I was given an 80s George Michael style mullet wig.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-03T08:58:41.973112Z"
"id": 565,
"story_text": "\"You look like a witch when you wear that skirt.\" - Said by all of my co-workers when I walked into the office one morning.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-03T14:30:22.255127Z"
"id": 566,
"story_text": "Your hair isn't straightened enough and looks like side burns.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T07:53:50.239843Z"
"id": 567,
"story_text": "Whenever people walk into my office they look at my face and ask if everything is okay..",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T07:54:40.060452Z"
"id": 568,
"story_text": "Somebody once refused to go on a date with me because I \"wasn't physically attractive\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T13:22:46.741026Z"
"id": 569,
"story_text": "I'm surprised you're not thinner considering how well you eat.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T13:33:26.541647Z"
"id": 570,
"story_text": "You're not young enough for that hair cut.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T14:55:23.257199Z"
"id": 571,
"story_text": "I was recovering from sickness and my colleague at work told me, \"you look miserable\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-04T20:00:25.694932Z"
"id": 572,
"story_text": "What's with the monobrow?",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T08:38:15.997286Z"
"id": 573,
"story_text": "Someone once said to me I was so thin I could dodge rain.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T08:42:17.853328Z"
"id": 574,
"story_text": "You and your partner look like you've just eloped from high school in your wedding photo.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T15:33:03.777839Z"
"id": 575,
"story_text": "People keep telling me I need to use the gym because it's healthier, but I know they only say it because I'm fat.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T15:36:50.088796Z"
"id": 576,
"story_text": "My friend looking at my brow said: \"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T17:11:26.208943Z"
"id": 578,
"story_text": "You’re too tall to find a boyfriend, being a lesbian would be more useful.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-05T22:52:00.149882Z"
"id": 579,
"story_text": "“You need to pop that huge pimple, it’s so ugly” it's a mole.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T09:09:03.236533Z"
"id": 580,
"story_text": "When I was 12 someone asked me \"are you a boy or a girl\" and I think about that so much, still, it causes so much self doubt (I am 35 now).",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T09:33:06.358773Z"
"id": 581,
"story_text": "In the second half of my second pregnancy- \"Are you SURE you're not having twins?\" From lots of people. Including total strangers.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T10:37:13.299005Z"
"id": 582,
"story_text": "60 odd year old allegedly 'Christian' woman (and my line manager at the time): \"you can help us out with this but you need to stop wearing eyeliner and lipstick, it's intimidating\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T11:15:34.071656Z"
"id": 583,
"story_text": "Female former line manager, when I raised with her some clear sexism and undermining by a male subordinate: \"well, you'd lost weight when he started in post so it can't have been about your weight\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T11:53:01.917066Z"
"id": 584,
"story_text": "You have really large pores.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T11:53:54.798108Z"
"id": 585,
"story_text": "My friend told me I needed to shave because I looked \"scruffy\". I had an interview coming up, and I was really nervous, his comments made me feel like I didn't get the job because I looked too scruffy.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T12:15:07.791020Z"
"id": 586,
"story_text": "Let me squeeze that spot for you.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T12:31:27.020081Z"
"id": 587,
"story_text": "“I'm not saying you're fat, it's just you're normally skinnier” - my sister.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-06T18:09:29.435243Z"
"id": 588,
"story_text": "I'd dye my eyebrows if I were you. You're completely missing the trend - it's like you're stuck in the 90s.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-08T00:42:41.903628Z"
"id": 589,
"story_text": "I always get told when I turn red in social situations. It’s something I’ve learned to put to the back of my mind to keep myself confident, but when someone points it out it makes me more and more uncomfortable.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-08T17:05:24.484104Z"
"id": 590,
"story_text": "I've got just the primer to smooth out your pores, they're very large and visible across your forehead and cheeks.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-08T21:08:58.092786Z"
"id": 591,
"story_text": "You have lovely, long eyelashes but they're quite droopy, like a donkey's. We do lash lifts here - would you like the details?",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-09T10:59:56.279950Z"
"id": 592,
"story_text": "No offence, but are you happy with your body as it is?",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-09T14:48:37.779171Z"
"id": 593,
"story_text": "\"You have a red nose\" (I have rosea)",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-09T14:49:28.701957Z"
"id": 594,
"story_text": "When I was 9, my parents were divorcing and I was going with my Dad...I overheard my mother telling him not to give me seconds or I’d get fat.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-10T12:42:01.361932Z"
"id": 595,
"story_text": "Every time I got dressed up to go out my Dad would say “you’d be such a pretty girl, if only you’d lost a bit of weight”. Every. Single. Time.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-11T15:53:30.818617Z"
"id": 596,
"story_text": "A friend was talking about another friend who had lost weight but started to put some back on. \"She's worked so hard, I'd just hate to see her ending up like me or you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-12T12:00:03.133172Z"
"id": 597,
"story_text": "Once when I was eating a packet of crisps, my brother was watching me with revulsion and said, with so much contempt, \"Don't you KNOW how disgusting you look?\" I was 16 and I've never forgotten it, although I'm nearly 40. I think it's the single most unkind thing anyone has ever said to me — no one can wound quite as much as a sibling can.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-12T16:50:08.748077Z"
"id": 598,
"story_text": "You would be so pretty if you lost some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-13T09:45:11.292347Z"
"id": 599,
"story_text": "\"You're still too pretty to stop colouring your grey hair, but I'll definitely let you know when it's time to stop.\" - My boyfriend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-13T13:53:02.777043Z"
"id": 600,
"story_text": "Omg I didn't know you could look that hot.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-13T16:44:22.170889Z"
"id": 601,
"story_text": "Your face isn’t symmetrical.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-13T16:47:55.469763Z"
"id": 602,
"story_text": "Maybe with more time at home you will lose some weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-13T16:48:46.688757Z"
"id": 603,
"story_text": "My school captain was body shaming me with her friends saying “how much do you think she weighs?” and her friend replied “it hurts my head trying to think about how much she is”.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-15T13:16:07.117422Z"
"id": 604,
"story_text": "When I was 14/15 and had got stretch marks on my hips which I thought were normal but didn't know what they were called when my mum saw them gasped and in very concerned voice said \"you have stretch marks? Why didn't you tell me!?\" And after the next time she went to the shop she had got me bio oil for them without even talking to me about any of this.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-16T11:32:56.247620Z"
"id": 605,
"story_text": "Wow, she let herself go (if i wear no make up or girly clothes) but if i do it's - wow she's wearing make up and a dress what a cheap w****.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-16T11:35:26.675987Z"
"id": 606,
"story_text": "Hurry up and find a mate cuz once your looks fade nobody will love you and you're not pretty to begin with so you better hurry.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T09:45:37.144665Z"
"id": 607,
"story_text": "How do you have hair on your stomach and you're a girl eew",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T09:51:53.253504Z"
"id": 608,
"story_text": "\"Awesome dress... if only it wasn't red... you would look less fat\" one of my sisters to another....both then laugh... it was my birthday party.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T09:51:59.418210Z"
"id": 609,
"story_text": "\"Who is that little boy?\" just now, by my brother in law after noticing my short hair on my profile picture on a messaging site.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T19:56:05.630163Z"
"id": 610,
"story_text": "“Do you like my new outfit?” “Well, you look like you could lose a little weight.” -my dad",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T20:43:20.691855Z"
"id": 611,
"story_text": "When I was in 6th grade my best friend told me that my ass is big, wide and unatracttive unlike hers...",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-19T21:27:48.594433Z"
"id": 613,
"story_text": "I was told that no matter how good I dress or how much make up I wore, I was never going to look like girls on social media. No guy wants a girl like me and that I should be lucky that a guy like him is with me. Said by my toxic ex boyfriend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-20T09:59:02.056940Z"
"id": 614,
"story_text": "\"You're very low breasted\"--a shop assistant told me this.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-20T11:18:55.089373Z"
"id": 615,
"story_text": "Friends were talking about what cosmetic surgery they would have. I said jokingly that I'd have my nose reduced. My boyfriend said in front of everyone \"oh no you'd be better off getting your lips implanted.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-20T21:13:27.293461Z"
"id": 616,
"story_text": "My boss (a man) said to me \"we need to talk about your weight gain.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-21T20:19:24.362206Z"
"id": 617,
"story_text": "You've lost weight since you've been working from home. Haven't you?",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-22T10:11:17.466687Z"
"id": 618,
"story_text": "I once sat in on my sisters physical therapy session. Her therapist turned to me as I was giggling at my sister and said ‘I don’t know why you’re laughing. You can’t wear a big jumper to hide that big belly forever’. Totally unrelated to why I was laughing, and I was 12. That’s 12 years ago and I still think about it when I wear loose clothing.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-23T09:23:31.872894Z"
"id": 619,
"story_text": "My boyfriend at the time told his ex: \"I was never ditching your DDs for [my] A-cups.\" Which she proudly told me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-03-23T09:23:39.272474Z"
"id": 620,
"story_text": "I've lost a few pounds and people keep congratulating me like I've done something amazing. It feels really strange. I know they are not technically 'shaming' me, but its like there was something wrong with me before.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:26:48.342651+01:00"
"id": 621,
"story_text": "I have a small birthmark on my forehead and got called \"Harry Potter\" by other girls at school when I refused to cover it up.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:30:45.132708+01:00"
"id": 622,
"story_text": "Today my mom told me that I should not cut my hair shorter because it would put forward my chubby cheeks.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:37:01.880907+01:00"
"id": 623,
"story_text": "\"You look like a baby but no offense, it's so cute !\" Since that, I felt like I could never be a sexy and strong woman.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:38:30.337499+01:00"
"id": 624,
"story_text": "\"You look so different without make up\". A colleague commenting on my appearence as I haven't been wearing make up on work video calls. But I'm like, I look - and importantly - I feel great today, so can you just not comment on my face please?!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:41:09.710057+01:00"
"id": 625,
"story_text": "It would be good if your arms were as muscular as your brother’s",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T19:42:09.884885+01:00"
"id": 626,
"story_text": "My first experience of shaving my pubic hair was when I was 15, when my first boyfriend told me that I should shave. Prior to this I had no idea that pubic hair was shameful. 11 years later, although I know I am not shaving for myself - I still feel like I wouldn't be able to enjoy sex without shaving.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T21:28:31.681057+01:00"
"id": 627,
"story_text": "\"If you went to the gym to work out you would have a great body.\" - my boyfriend at the time.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T22:12:22.123352+01:00"
"id": 628,
"story_text": "You’re really nice, you deserve to be taller",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-16T22:14:13.690516+01:00"
"id": 629,
"story_text": "Some guy told my trans-woman friend that no man would want her because she still looks too masculine. To this day, that statement makes me feel physically sick. How can someone be so horrible?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T01:35:21.091898+01:00"
"id": 630,
"story_text": "I stopped shaving during lockdown. Every time people see my face on a video chat the first thing they say are comments on my beard. I am not my beard. I am a human being!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:06:25.111185+01:00"
"id": 631,
"story_text": "Odd glasses",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:13:11.436676+01:00"
"id": 632,
"story_text": "A major high street fashion chain does not stock above size 14 in their stores as standard. I was told so by a sales assistant when I asked if they had a size 18 in a dress I fell in love with. She said - ‘We’re a high-fashion retailer and there are other brands that cater specifically for women like you’.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:17:28.924870+01:00"
"id": 633,
"story_text": "Your nose is so big.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:19:07.706983+01:00"
"id": 634,
"story_text": "A colleague once looked me up and down and said \"You sounded taller on the phone\"!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:20:46.017154+01:00"
"id": 635,
"story_text": "One day, when I was around 10-11, my dad looked at my stomach from side view and told me that real women should have curves in chest and booty area and not the stomach.. and that I have it all, just reversed. He didn't mean to hurt me, and I wasn't particularly hurt by it then... But a few years and eating disorders later I realized maybe that wasn't such a clever thing to say to your child.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:23:40.836400+01:00"
"id": 636,
"story_text": "I work as a teacher and if I'm wearing too little (make up) it isn't a good example for the kids that I don't make an effort. If I wear too much then I'm told that I'm not a good example to the girls because \"we want them to feel comfortable being themselves",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:26:10.928101+01:00"
"id": 637,
"story_text": "Ease up on the fake tan. Your legs are streaky!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:28:40.743105+01:00"
"id": 638,
"story_text": "As a Kid I’d always be called by my class mates, friends & cousins even for being too skinny because I was a fussy eater & couldn’t help. And honestly I’ve looked like this since grade 6th & I’m 24 right now so it’s just been like this for me since forever, I don’t see myself changing much. People around me casually mentioned “Don't go outside air pressure is so high and put some coins or stones in your pocket while going outside otherwise you 'll fly with air\" and many more other comments too which I can't mention here.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T03:58:28.971896+01:00"
"id": 639,
"story_text": "I had my curly hair half up and half down. Some boys in my class started making fun of my new hair style and called my ‘triangle head’",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:01:56.589307+01:00"
"id": 640,
"story_text": "Lots of butthurt, insecure men have ridiculed my height (6’3) over the years. If not that, really creepy ones have openly expressed their weird fetish for tall women. Thanks to this, I don’t feel like a normal person at all. I can’t go a day without wishing I was short because I either feel incapable of being attractive or just simply a fetish rather than a human being. It seems nobody has a normal view on women who are taller than average.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:04:51.481880+01:00"
"id": 641,
"story_text": "I bite my nails and everytime I see my Mother she asks me 'How are you ever going to get married with ugly bitten nails?'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:26:18.610685+01:00"
"id": 642,
"story_text": "When I was younger a boy from my school gave me a hug goodbye before we went home and said, ‘oh, you look a lot skinnier than you are, you’re actually not that thin are you?’",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:29:34.834979+01:00"
"id": 643,
"story_text": "\"If you lost 30 pounds, you would be a knock-out\" - my boyfriend at the time",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:31:37.748889+01:00"
"id": 644,
"story_text": "Not directed specifically at me but guy on dating site states in his profile if you are overweight don't message him.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:32:30.502368+01:00"
"id": 645,
"story_text": "People assume I am pregnant because I carry my weight in my belly. This has happened so many times! Even people who don't know me. It makes me feel like crap every time.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:34:53.171200+01:00"
"id": 646,
"story_text": "I've had a ton of negative comments thrown at me... you're fat, you're too thin, you're too muscular. You look like a rat, a rabbit, a pig... your nose looks like a ski jump... you have bad hair... your eyebrows suck... why are your teeth like that? You're head is SO big.... you have a man's arse. But people have said nice things too, I choose to focus on those.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T04:37:33.540635+01:00"
"id": 647,
"story_text": "You should really paint your nails.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:00:02.911002+01:00"
"id": 648,
"story_text": "Did you not feel like making an effort today?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:00:29.368656+01:00"
"id": 649,
"story_text": "Everytime I put on make-up for zoom calls a colleague always comments that I look 'so glam today' and it makes me feel really awkward",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:02:23.819454+01:00"
"id": 650,
"story_text": "Is must be so hard to look feminine with such big feet.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:06:34.164046+01:00"
"id": 651,
"story_text": "A woman I worked with me told me that she didn't like me because my face annoyed her.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:07:46.504303+01:00"
"id": 652,
"story_text": "A new woman joined my dance class and a group of ten or so women refused to dance next to her because 'her hairy toes made them feel sick'. She never came back",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:09:51.121587+01:00"
"id": 653,
"story_text": "I still remember during the summer of 6th grade when I started wearing shorts, a boy called out \"you're so fat!\" to me in a class pretty loudly. No one stood up for me, and my athletic legs have been deemed fat from then on.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:13:30.864604+01:00"
"id": 654,
"story_text": "It's not my fault that my hairline is receding. Does that mean you have to stare at it as we talk?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:14:18.144965+01:00"
"id": 655,
"story_text": "one time i asked a group of friends if i should get a fringe and one of them told me i should because i have a huge forehead, ive been self conscious of it since",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:15:44.386915+01:00"
"id": 656,
"story_text": "I developed unhealthy habits around food because of fat-shaming. My parents pushed me to start dieting, start tracking my foods, and my friends would laugh at fat jokes. I lost weight by purging, fasting, and picked up binge and purge cycle. People would ask tips on my weight loss journey, even guys approached me too for this, as if my weight loss is the most interesting part of me. I still have a bad relationship with food. Fat-shaming, even subtly, can permanently damaged someone. I couldn't look at food the same way ever again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:18:47.336527+01:00"
"id": 657,
"story_text": "I was 14 and I thought I was completely in love with this guy until he told me that dreadlocks could be made out of my arm hair and laughed.. I will never forget it. I'm still learning to embrace my hair, even when everything around me is telling me that it's not considered feminine.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T05:19:40.250459+01:00"
"id": 658,
"story_text": "I was always praised for my body and the way I looked, so eventually I started to think that it defined me. Girls were always jealous and boys were always looking at me like I only mattered physically. Once I was even asked: \"Can you please get fatter? Thanks.\" And now that I have gained weight, I realise how wrong that was and how much it affected me. I never got the chance to be happy with my body myself, I only kept myself busy with how people reacted to it. I'm not here to be pretty or attractive for anyone else but me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T10:53:15.511087+01:00"
"id": 659,
"story_text": "My Dad told me I should be glad I'm not pretty as pretty girls have a really hard life.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T10:58:43.096095+01:00"
"id": 660,
"story_text": "Even though everyone says people that are skinny dont get shamed. Everytime someone calls my breast or buttox ; flapjacks, pancakes, crepes its frustrating and gets old I am aware of my body. choice of words matters. Just call it what it is it's not funny !",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:04:46.602450+01:00"
"id": 661,
"story_text": "Every time I walk shirtless in the heat people tell me to take off my jumper (my chest is very hairy).",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:06:46.677476+01:00"
"id": 662,
"story_text": "\"You lost weight at the start of lockdown, but you seem to have put it back on?\" - my sister",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:13:22.403546+01:00"
"id": 663,
"story_text": "Since you stopped taking the pill your acne has really come back",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:14:18.491983+01:00"
"id": 664,
"story_text": "Someone on a zoom call took a photo of me without my knowledge and shared it in a whatsapp group to critique/laugh at the expression on my face",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:15:55.544770+01:00"
"id": 665,
"story_text": "I recently heard my husband of 16years describe me to his friend as 'dried up and fucking useless'. He had answered the phone without realising. I was absolutely devastated (I have ME and have had to make a lot of changes to my life to survive). Heartbroken, I told my Mum. She told me to dress up, put on make up and look good, because 'you still can, if you try'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:20:01.821206+01:00"
"id": 666,
"story_text": "\"Why can't you look like that?\" (Referring to bikini clad models in a music video.) - my boyfriend at the time. We were both 17 and I was a size 12-14. 13 years later I still feel the sting.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T11:21:40.121222+01:00"
"id": 667,
"story_text": "An uncle of mine once told me \"You need to lose weight. Nobody will want to marry you if you're this fat.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:20:40.129350+01:00"
"id": 668,
"story_text": "I had a role model, my mother who never wore makeup to be inspired from. She is the most beautiful and confident person I have known. To be honest, I never thought I needed to wear make up. yeah sure, my co workers have suggested time to time but its too uncomfortable for me to be something else I am not naturally. We are three sisters all share the same thought. PS: I regret wearing makeup on my wedding day, I cried and think it could have been much better without",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:23:35.430054+01:00"
"id": 669,
"story_text": "When I was in year 8 at school I stopped taking lunch. I told my mum one day that all I'd had was a can of Pepsi max and some chewing gum. She said \"good! Maybe you'll lose some weight\" I've never eaten guilt free since",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:25:14.444021+01:00"
"id": 670,
"story_text": "20 years ago a guy in a bar drunken stopped infront of me and said \" nice face. Shame you're fat\" I think I cried all night",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:30:34.297224+01:00"
"id": 671,
"story_text": "I was 17 and suffering from an Eating Disorder. My girlfriend at the time said “You look like a Hollister model”. Sounds like a compliment, but I always think about how, after recovery and the weight gain, my underweight body was valued in a way that my recovered body isn’t ....",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:34:30.872484+01:00"
"id": 672,
"story_text": "When I was 15, an ex-boyfriend would constantly ring me from unknown numbers, put me on loudspeaker, show his friends my photos and laugh about how fat and ugly I was with them.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:39:23.108370+01:00"
"id": 673,
"story_text": "I have an ex who used to say \"you have such a pretty face, don't worry you can fix the rest\" the time I was like \"oh he said I'm pretty!\". Needless to say I grew up and got outta there cause I realised that there is nothing wrong with me and I don't need to fix a damn thing to be beautiful, desirable or worthy of love",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:43:02.861613+01:00"
"id": 674,
"story_text": "Not one but several guys who told me things (as if they were \"nice\" and \"caring\") like: \"ohh, you would be so cute if only you did xxx or xxx to your body\" or \"you're not as sexy as those girls, but at least you've got a cute face!\" - or \"I actually prefer smaller girls. But if you lose xx pounds by the summer, I can consider to date you\"...Now I would definitely dump those guys immediately. But back then, in my early 20s, I both believed them and tried to follow their \"advice\". And yup, it still stings.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:49:48.066846+01:00"
"id": 675,
"story_text": "I feel very pressured to shave my body hair and wear makeup by almost everyone In my life. Even good people don’t like to speak to the natural woman.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:55:15.772766+01:00"
"id": 676,
"story_text": "A male colleague told me “the only hair that is acceptable between a woman’s legs is a man’s beard”",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:56:50.198492+01:00"
"id": 677,
"story_text": "I am skinny since childhood, skeleton,boys like thick thighs ,you got bones,u look like hanger,start wearing padded bra,u are flat chest,u wont be able to conceive a child are some of the worst things i have heard since childhood.When i entered cllg,my college mates circulated my photo in whole cllg from my instagram saying worlds world's only boobless girl.skiiny shaming has broken down to me to depths. I suffered border line personality disorder for two years.though now i am recovered i realised that whenever people body shame you they are reflecting their personal insecurities and trying to make themselves better by saying words to you .. so dont feel bad for yourself ,feel pity for such people and pray to god to bless them.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:58:11.152791+01:00"
"id": 678,
"story_text": "During a shift one day when I worked at a cafe, I delivered a coffee to an elderly man dining in. He grabbed me by my wrist and proceeded to examine me like a doctor would. He then looked at me and told me to eat more. I shouldn't have to justify why I'm natually thin.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T13:58:54.364886+01:00"
"id": 679,
"story_text": "As someone who is “too thin” I’m sick of hearing about it. Yesterday at work we had the weight chair out to monitor residents (care home for people with dementia) and the staff were weighing themselves too so I hopped on to join in and my colleague read my weight and joked “aaah we can’t be friends now!” And she’s a lovely woman and I like her a lot but it stung ! (especially after last week when I was taking my jumper off and my top lifted a bit and she shouted ‘do you want to get any skinnier?!?’ across the floor) I would never pass a comment on anyone else’s body - we were all joining in with weighing ourselves to make the residents feel more comfortable with it and it seemed fun until I was singled out - wish we could just chill with the commentary and projection.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:00:04.723468+01:00"
"id": 680,
"story_text": "In an office of about 6 women one woman out of nowhere said very loudly ‘do you even wear a bra - you probably don’t need to because you’ve got no tits’ of course causing everyone in the room to immediately scrutinise my chest. In nursing it’s a very female workforce and I have faced so much body shaming - in every place I’ve worked. I’ve had to show the size label in my clothes after ordering a size 12 uniform and being told I was too thin to be a 12.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:05:51.174720+01:00"
"id": 681,
"story_text": "Insecurity is introduced to us out of nowhere. It may be us on our own noticing a difference in our body compared to our friends or a model in a campaign. It maybe somebody else noticing the difference in us and pointing it out, maybe to humiliate us. Anyway, it sticks. Something so natural to us, is unnatural to someone else. I will always remember the first time I became aware of the size of my body, it was in 3rd grade when a boy in my class pointed out that I'd look taller if I was \"less fat\". To me, at that point I thought I was just bigger than my classmates because I was growing. The way I looked at my body changed that day. From when we were toddlers we were never told to accept and embrace the differences. We devoloped an instinct to notice variations and question them. And that's where we should be told that every distiction is beautiful. Variance prevents monotony, and every variation usually compliaments each other, keeping a balance in our systems and our bodies.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:08:56.905556+01:00"
"id": 682,
"story_text": "\"I prefer you with straightened hair. Curly hair makes people look a bit crazy.\" - My husband",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:11:55.688885+01:00"
"id": 683,
"story_text": "ive always been told I have no curves, that my body is just straight up and down or like a ruler or that I'm not as curvy as they are. i dont think people realise that comments like this can hurt even if they don't mean them as a criticism, it makes me feel like less of a woman",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:18:22.759990+01:00"
"id": 684,
"story_text": "Growing up I endlessly heard “wow your wrist is so thin I can wrap my thumb and finger around it”, “you’re so thin I could snap you” and even people asking if I had an eating disorder. Then you’d see a magazine cover saying a celebrity ONLY weighed ‘x’ and saying she looked ill etc and I’d think “but I weigh even less”. I hated my body and spent my teen years on all sorts of high calorie diets to try and put on weight and avoided exercise. All that did was encourage unhealthy habits. I now treat my body well and focus on health and not what the scales say but it was a long, long journey to get here!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T14:50:13.675733+01:00"
"id": 685,
"story_text": "At 12 years old, my father’s wife told me that I’m not pretty and to just accept it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:31:00.981298+01:00"
"id": 686,
"story_text": "A friend of a guy I dated in high school told me that the guy found my tall, slim friend to be more beautiful than me, but that he dated me because I have a ‘better’, curvier body.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:33:05.799877+01:00"
"id": 687,
"story_text": "I found an email in which my husband told his brother how he and my former friend kissed and how flattered he was to have someone so beautiful and out of his league be attracted to him. I have struggled with really poor self-esteem and body image issues for most of my life. 12 years later and it still hurts.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:36:08.833603+01:00"
"id": 688,
"story_text": "I tagged along on a family vacation with my friend and her parents. As I was wearing my new bikini and feeling cute, my friend’s bitch of a mother told me ‘you look 4 months pregnant.’ 20 years later and that comment still stings and makes me self-conscious.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:43:17.955223+01:00"
"id": 689,
"story_text": "Did he break up with you because of your spots?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:45:20.481530+01:00"
"id": 690,
"story_text": "Could you imagine how pretty you would be if you had green eyes instead of boring brown?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:50:22.201038+01:00"
"id": 691,
"story_text": "If you could get surgery to reduce your big feet, would you? Your size eights look so silly in flat shoes, it must be so annoying.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:51:17.906674+01:00"
"id": 692,
"story_text": "Some fake tan would stop your freckles from looking so dark.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:56:49.193329+01:00"
"id": 693,
"story_text": "Kids at school used to call me 'light bulb head' because I had very light blonde hair.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T15:59:50.743351+01:00"
"id": 694,
"story_text": "When a sexual partner states their preference of the hair on my body without regard for how I like my own body hair.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:02:34.318907+01:00"
"id": 695,
"story_text": "You're pretty, for a redhead. You know, because most redheads are ugly.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:03:06.636838+01:00"
"id": 696,
"story_text": "\"You look like shit,\" said my boyfriend at the time, on a hot day when I'd put my hair in a ponytail.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:04:10.818474+01:00"
"id": 697,
"story_text": "Hello, I just wanted to share with you a story that happened yesterday. Im 5\"9,99kg with medium frame. I was on the road trip with my husband. Until we reached to the bumpy road, and the car touched and hit the bump right on my seat side and he just simply said \"oh, it's always on your side that touch the bumps!\" that's really sting me sharply and does make me teary in instantly until i can't even look at him in the eye😭😭😭😭",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:05:27.953278+01:00"
"id": 698,
"story_text": "I reckon a dermatologist could really sort your skin out.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:07:07.749451+01:00"
"id": 699,
"story_text": "‘You’re too tall. I wouldn’t dream of wearing heels if I were you’ People told me this when I was 18 and just started going on nights out. In hindsight I can see they were wrong but it hurt at the time! 🤬",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:08:08.639645+01:00"
"id": 700,
"story_text": "Where to even begin? Should I start with when my uncle would act like I suddenly went invisible if I turned sideways because I was 2-dimensional from being so skinny? Or maybe I should start with when my cousins said I \"had let myself go\". Or was looking \"fat\", even \"haggard\". Regardless where I start, it seems that throughout my life,whether I gained a little or lost a little, everyone seemed to have an opinion on whether I needed to change that or not. The 1st time I was body shamed was when I was 8 or so. I've always had skinny legs and was unlovingly nicknamed Mowgli by some boys in school. Just recently a family member called them \"chicken legs\". It is therefore no surprise that I never show my legs and I'm always in long pants. But what happens when it's your own mother that says to you that your bathing suit bottoms look like they belong to a child and that your butt looks so small and you should \"work on it\" even though you exercise 5/6 times a wk? It hurts.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T16:10:08.034136+01:00"
"id": 701,
"story_text": "“Gorilla legs” “You’re disgusting” “It’s such a shame - you look like a pretty young lady, except for that hair” - my mother about my natural, unshaven body hair",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T17:40:59.217576+01:00"
"id": 702,
"story_text": "I have never been and never will be petite. I was chubby as a child and reaching adulthood it was clear that I was a typical pear shaped body with a slightly heavier frame: 5'6\" with my weight usually ranging from 71-73kg. The most hurtful comments have always been from boyfriends. Comments like: \"Have you ever considered getting liposuction? You could use the fat from your butt to make your breasts bigger\" \"Your body is perfect... Except for your thick thighs and the cellulite. Why don't you do something about it?\" \"You have the potential to have a thigh gap. Stop making excuses and start working out harder.\" \"I don't believe what your dietician told you about 70kg being your ideal weight. I think you can drop to 65 for a start... Perhaps even 63\" And here I am in my early 30s,still trying to love myself and feel confident in my own skin...",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T18:33:08.537618+01:00"
"id": 703,
"story_text": "Your hair looks much better straight - you look like you've made an effort at least.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T18:39:18.213273+01:00"
"id": 704,
"story_text": "They keep telling me I have a head like an orange",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-17T23:17:28.104010+01:00"
"id": 705,
"story_text": "My makeup artistry can never be re shared on brand pages without people in the comments talking about my “moustache” (the measly peach fuzz on my top lip caused by hormone imbalances because of PCOS) - I go from feeling proud of having my work shared on huge platforms, to feeling like I’m back at school with kids who bullied me about it back then. I keep the peach fuzz because I have a platform to display what is normal. I never retouch my photos. I do it for my past self who didn’t feel normal, and all the other girls who are in the same boat. I want people to know that what is normal, isn’t a flaw.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-21T05:47:22.258943+01:00"
"id": 706,
"story_text": "When we were all getting in the car for school one morning my mom pulled me aside to say that I need to weigh myself when I get home that afternoon because I’ve been “getting fatter since Christmas”",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-21T05:48:31.176049+01:00"
"id": 707,
"story_text": "“Your legs are so pale that you reflect the sun, they’re blinding, you look like a ghost” - my mother",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-21T05:49:04.308312+01:00"
"id": 708,
"story_text": "When I was about 14, someone walked from behind me. Stood in front of me and said \"you look much better from behind\". It scarred me and that has never left me. It is definitely not ok!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-22T11:52:16.044771+01:00"
"id": 709,
"story_text": "I’m a chocolatier. I’ve had a male customer once look me up and down and say “so why are you so skinny”. I’ve also had this comment from multiple women.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-22T12:02:24.443393+01:00"
"id": 710,
"story_text": "The fear of body shaming of and comments on body hair of women on the internet is still stopping me from wearing shorts and skirts and spaghetti tops in the summer",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-22T18:51:12.041810+01:00"
"id": 711,
"story_text": "my mom and sister commented on my armpits while I was wearing a tube top and I constantly have to stand my ground even tho I’m not ashamed and stand up for my self they still don’t stop it’s death to deal",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-23T09:22:17.021649+01:00"
"id": 712,
"story_text": "I realised I’d left something in my car and went to nip out in my nightie to grab it. It was midnight and dark on our street. As I went to go out the front door my husband stopped me and said ‘Are you going out there like that, at your size?",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-23T16:01:09.145221+01:00"
"id": 713,
"story_text": "Mother's friend staring at a medical device in my arm: \"Such a shame it's so ugly\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-26T22:36:50.410395+01:00"
"id": 714,
"story_text": "You're skinny up top but then you look down and it's like, whoa, thunder thighs. -my former best friend",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-26T22:46:03.455203+01:00"
"id": 715,
"story_text": "I don't understand why you wouldn't shave your arm hair if it's dark, you look like a gorilla.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-27T10:23:29.767326+01:00"
"id": 716,
"story_text": "When I was in elementary school, a boy told my friend he couldn't like me because I wasn't pretty. Looks are not how you should judge a person and this comment has haunted me for years.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-27T19:30:50.578883+01:00"
"id": 717,
"story_text": "I am hugely anti-Trump, but I often get upset when people make remarks about things like his small hands, short fingers, and skin colour. I have a skin condition and also have small hands (especially the final digits) as do a number of members of my family due to a genetic condition related to dwarfism. Promoting lookism is not an appropriate way to engage with politics.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-28T12:02:19.323077+01:00"
"id": 718,
"story_text": "I asked my boyfriend what he liked about me when we first started dating. He replied, 'You used to be really pretty.'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-28T12:02:53.194732+01:00"
"id": 719,
"story_text": "I am a really hairy girl and I've been made fun of for having body hair. Told to shave because body hair makes me look ugly. Some even say that I'm a 'man' because supposedly women don't have body hair. And the worst part is that it all started when i was a teenager.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-28T18:36:52.780625+01:00"
"id": 720,
"story_text": "I was getting ready for a gig once and I was really excited to wear my new band tee. I’d done my makeup, was feeling great, but when I came downstairs my parents wouldn’t stop talking about how fat I looked and asking “do you want to go out looking like that?”. I was wearing shorts and tights as it can get hot in arenas. I ended up having a horrible time at the gig because all I could think about was how I looked.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-29T14:42:19.102635+01:00"
"id": 721,
"story_text": "My mum was telling my younger sister (pre teen) that she should remove the hair above her lip. I disagreed. She implied that because I have armpit hair my opinion on the issue is less valid.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-30T05:00:27.734101+01:00"
"id": 722,
"story_text": "I've been asked so many times if I've straightened my naturally curly hair before. People are always surprised when I say no and ask me if I would want to. As much as I do want straight hair sometimes, straightening my hair feels wrong and like I'm caving to other people's expectations of me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-30T09:47:16.764804+01:00"
"id": 723,
"story_text": "When I was 14, I was told by a family friend that I’d be really “pretty in that dress if I lost some weight”. I was a size 8.",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-30T13:33:29.779333+01:00"
"id": 724,
"story_text": "I’ve been picked on since I was a child for the size of my nose, the shape of my face, my round tummy. I’ve had a weight problem all my life. I’ve looked into facial surgery many times. When I look in the mirror I hate what I see, I’ve even covered up the big long wardrobe mirrors in my room. Words can wound deeply!",
"created_datetime": "2020-04-30T14:45:21.957345+01:00"
"id": 725,
"story_text": "When I was in my early teens I was very tall and bony compared to the other kids. My legs been called straws and drum sticks. My knobbly knees have been made fun of in many ways. A neighbour of my grandparents even told my granny I am too tall and I got too ugly legs to ever find a husband. Later my legs were too fat to wear mini skirts or tight jeans. But. That was ever only women saying that. Took me till now - 55 - to get kind of over it. I am a British size 10.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-01T12:48:05.114469+01:00"
"id": 726,
"story_text": "When in my early twenties, I felt pressurised to go for a drink with a bloke. Once he had got me to go out with him, he told me 'people look at your sister before they look at you because you limp'. When I asked him if that had been true for him, he said that it had been. I never spoke to him again. I've had at least one sleepless night about that and can't rule out having others in the future, even though the comment was said years ago and I am now happily married.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-01T21:31:32.057544+01:00"
"id": 727,
"story_text": "I've been told I'm too fat, too big, too muscular, I was born with hormone issues my body shape isn't normal for a 'normal' woman, I have large shoulders, broad back and good strong arms. Think rugby player, then I have a large thick neck, not swan graceful or thin, always been on the heavy side, solid at first before pecos began, then the hair started and the weight gain. My husband told me I was too big, I was taller, too fat, too 'much', even my laughter was 'too much like a mans'. He belittled me over thirty years, ripped my self confidence to shreds every time we went out. There was no point 'dressing up' because 'we'd never find anything decent to fit those shoulders'. At work being compared to male workers and shamed for not shaving body hair, which if you have pecos comes back even darker and thicker than before. Told to get rid of your entire body hair because its the only way your husband will touch you and when you refuse finds someone else who will.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-04T13:49:04.792699+01:00"
"id": 728,
"story_text": "Society makes me feel like my body hair is abnormal and freakish. I feel I spend an inordinate about of time waxing, shaving, epilating, dying and plucking, particularly in the summer. I always have to think twice about going bare legged and I wouldn't dream of wearing swimsuit or bikini, just in case there are rogue hairs. It's become a real fear for me despite the fact it's totally natural and that makes me so sad.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-04T19:40:22.267326+01:00"
"id": 729,
"story_text": "People can’t believe my sister and I are related because she’s skinny and I’m not.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-05T09:31:30.464138+01:00"
"id": 730,
"story_text": "I'm a woman who suffers from hormone imbalances which cause me to grow facial hair. I've been teased about it since school days. The most hurtful instance occurred when my father said to me -in front of my then- boyfriend -\"You need to get rid of that hair. No man wants a woman who grows more moustache and beard than he does.\" He laughed it off, but I was devastated and spent the entire night on the phone crying to my mother. It's been 2 years and I still think about it frequently and ache a bit. I wax often. But I shouldn't have to. My body is disgusting to society. And it saddens me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-07T13:30:14.082376+01:00"
"id": 731,
"story_text": "If I stand with my feet together, my kneecaps point inwards towards each other. I was on a school residential trip in year 7 and another girl said \"no offence, but if your feet are pointing that way how come your knees are going that way?\" Avoided shorts and skirts for years after that.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-07T14:20:33.267420+01:00"
"id": 732,
"story_text": "My mom took me to try on dresses. We were having trouble with one of them and she refused to get a staff member. She said I can’t let a staff member come in when my armpits are “like that” (meaning unshaven)",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-07T14:56:31.488737+01:00"
"id": 733,
"story_text": "Your hair is thinning. Is that a winter thing?",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-10T02:51:36.111697+01:00"
"id": 734,
"story_text": "A female colleague entering the room casually stating \"Oh, your hair looks totally thin! Have you had hair loss or something?\"... while I was sitting next to another female colleague.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-12T12:50:00.339685+01:00"
"id": 735,
"story_text": "My dad literally shouting at me while I was having a conversation with my mum and my boyfriend: \"You need to cut your tips, your hair looks shitty!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-12T14:42:59.510919+01:00"
"id": 736,
"story_text": "A female friend at school during lesson: \"Don't you think you should pluck your eyebrows? It just looks unkempt like this.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-13T22:02:00.362367+01:00"
"id": 737,
"story_text": "Not shaving my legs feels much more \"me\". Sadly, my boyfriend doesn't take it very gently and generously stated I may \"proceed with growing my hair out if I could cope with the consequences of looking like shit\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-15T13:36:55.270431+01:00"
"id": 738,
"story_text": "\"Are you going like THAT?!\" - The mother of my boyfriend every time we're about to eat out while visiting her.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-15T13:37:37.151330+01:00"
"id": 739,
"story_text": "\"Your calfs look so thick!\" - The mother of my boyfriend every other time she looks at me wearing shorts.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-16T20:35:55.727592+01:00"
"id": 740,
"story_text": "Mother of my boyfriend looking down at my legs worried: \"When I was your age, my legs were beautiful and they're still slim. See?\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-18T16:07:38.413902+01:00"
"id": 741,
"story_text": "My boyfriend, upon discovering I gained some weight: \"If you're reaching 100kg, you're out of here.\" He was completely serious. I never stood on a scale again so I don't even know.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-18T16:08:35.918491+01:00"
"id": 742,
"story_text": "My mom, upon asking her if she thought I was pretty: \"Well, you certainly wouldn't be someone who catched my eye in particular if I didn't know you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-18T16:09:50.727569+01:00"
"id": 743,
"story_text": "We were in the bathroom after showering and I realized some of my body hair growth was probably increasing due to me not taking the pill anymore and the resulting hormonal changes. My boyfriend said \"Yeah but I think you're just getting older.\" I'm 28.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-18T16:11:55.060830+01:00"
"id": 744,
"story_text": "Someone at college told me that I was “too fat to do sport” I wasn’t too fat, I was probably a size 12, but this comment hurt & made me was to diet and lose weight. I then had struggles with food and exercise where I exercised too much and ate too little.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-19T04:46:10.694929+01:00"
"id": 745,
"story_text": "I told my mom about my struggles with disordered eating and she replied “you’ve still got some fat on there” then referring to the food i eat “more is not better by the way”.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-19T17:01:25.114526+01:00"
"id": 746,
"story_text": "Last weekend I was visiting my parents. My mom looked at my feet and said, \"Wow! Why are your feet so wide?\" I immediately felt self conscious. What kind of question is that? The answer is...because they are? It almost seemed like she actually thought I had chosen to have very wide feet. I know she didn't mean it to be hurtful. She just doesn't think before she makes comments sometimes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-26T05:42:39.661635+01:00"
"id": 747,
"story_text": "My mom used to tell me she was glad I was so smart....because....(wait for it).....I was too fat to ever have a husband..",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-26T16:01:41.020011+01:00"
"id": 748,
"story_text": "I let my hair go grey a while ago. I’m 44 and completely grey now. I love it. I think it’s really pretty. I do know that it makes me look older and I actually get some push back from my Mom who is 72 and still dyes her hair, she said it makes me look really old. But so? I’ve earned every year and being whatever I want to be is ok.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-26T16:08:36.002136+01:00"
"id": 749,
"story_text": "One of my friends told me that i deserved to be cheated on because i was fat and ugly and that she wasn't even surprised when i told her",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-27T09:40:01.170340+01:00"
"id": 750,
"story_text": "I asked my mum why there are so few photos of me as a child. She said it was because I was so ugly.",
"created_datetime": "2020-05-28T00:24:43.464021+01:00"
"id": 751,
"story_text": "When I was 16 my boyfriend told me I should lose weight because I had a 'tummy.' I was underweight and a size 3.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-01T12:43:47.356416+01:00"
"id": 752,
"story_text": "\"When she starts walking she will get thinner, at least I hope so!\" my mother said this about my THREE MONTH OLD baby!",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-01T13:41:10.931063+01:00"
"id": 753,
"story_text": "The first person to tell me I was too fat was my dad. I was 12. I wasn't exactly huge, but he repeatedly said how I \"needed to lose the puppy fat\". At one point as I was developing he said \"you're busting out of that dress\". At the dinner table, to a self conscious teenager. I have never stopped worrying about my weight since and have had periods of disordered eating - the only reason I never got as far as full blown bulimia was because no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make myself sick. Knowing my dad thought I was fat and ugly made the comments from kids at school sting even more. I was called \"saggy tits\" by kids three years below me for a while... A legacy partly of feeling too ashamed of my body to know how to ask my mum to get me a better bra.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-05T08:33:43.183551+01:00"
"id": 754,
"story_text": "My weight has fluctuated between about 8.5 stone and a little over 13. When I was at my thinnest - probably underweight given that I'm 5'8\" and big boned - I had plenty of days when I felt so fat I didn't want to leave the house. All because I got a slight crease in my belly when I sat down. Photos of me at the time look almost skeletal but I still felt fat. That's pretty screwed up.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-10T10:51:15.192234+01:00"
"id": 755,
"story_text": "I have psoriasis. It started when I was about 17 and got really bad whilst I was at uni. It burned and bled and I had to spend hours in the bath trying to soak it off. I felt so self conscious. About a year into uni I got a belly button piercing, because I really wanted it and felt good about myself. Inevitably the skin around it went bad. One of my friend's flatmates stared and stared at my belly one day, he wouldn't stop and eventually told me how gross it was and looked absolutely disgusted. Like I had any choice?! I've also had people recoil in horror and refuse to shake hands. My partner once got ringworm because his house was so filthy and damp, and said it was because he'd caught my skin disease. He knows perfectly well it's not catching but it still hurt like hell.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-10T19:23:53.978333+01:00"
"id": 756,
"story_text": "I work at a school for kids with autism. I am, at times, bombarded by comments about my weight from kids. I know they don’t mean harm, but it -hurts- sometimes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-12T12:55:25.127259+01:00"
"id": 757,
"story_text": "Middle school teacher here- I have a kid log on and call me a fat ass everyday.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-13T12:29:50.722312+01:00"
"id": 758,
"story_text": "The summer I was 16, I worked at a city day camp, many days riding my bike to work. My parents were away at a cottage for weeks. I discovered a vending machine on the campus where the camp operated and bought candy bars daily. When I next saw my mom, she said “I thought you were riding your bike everyday but you are fatter than ever”. Over 50 years later, I remember the sting of her words.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-17T16:38:30.226220+01:00"
"id": 759,
"story_text": "I used to have a manager at a store I worked at that would constantly tell me to “tuck it in” whenever I was behind the counter and she was trying to walk behind me and making other mentions of my weight. It was humiliating.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-18T20:25:19.215281+01:00"
"id": 760,
"story_text": "I received tons of comments about my weight throughout my life but the one that stays with me most is when I lost 100+ lbs, my coworker tried to compliment me by saying, “you look so good now. You could hardly walk before, you basically just waddled”. As if it a different person now... As if it’s okay to ever talk about/to a person like that...",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-18T20:26:58.681411+01:00"
"id": 761,
"story_text": "My first time was at 19, easily 4 or more sizes smaller than i am now, working at Macy’s. I was checking on an older man and his wife and he asked me “what’s the gender?” I was confused and asked “what?” slowly realizing what was happening and he asked again and I just shook my head and his wife hit him on the arm. I cried in a dressing room for about 45 min after that.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-19T13:32:16.363308+01:00"
"id": 762,
"story_text": "I've been asked 3 times if I'm pregnant since I gained weight. Each time it has been in public or around other people. Humiliating and instantaneously day-ruining. Don’t comment on other people’s bodies, bottom line.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-19T13:33:02.660727+01:00"
"id": 763,
"story_text": "When I lost a lot of weight people thought it was ok to insult my former bigger self to compliment my smaller self. I hate back-handed compliments.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-22T09:06:30.270664+01:00"
"id": 764,
"story_text": "Here is a teenaged trauma that still haunts me at 47. I grew up in a small town and we would often travel on a bus for sports. One weekend we were coming home from a tournament of some sorts and one of the boys decided to start a chant “Here we go [my name]. Here we go. BOOM BOOM!” And then someone else joined him. And someone else. And then eventually the entire bus - which had teachers on it who did nothing to stop this - screamed this horrific fat shaming chant over and over. I sat there and tried not to cry. But inside I think a part of my soul died that day. Humans are just awful sometimes. And I wish people realized that even 30 years later these moments still hold onto little pieces of our self worth.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-22T10:12:56.806543+01:00"
"id": 765,
"story_text": "When I was 19 I worked at the customer service desk in a retail shop. I had a customer who told me he loved my hair and that I resembled Cher. He was really nice and then he goes \"do you know what would look really good on you? If you lost around 10 pounds.\" I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. It was so shocking. And he was saying it in the same upbeat tone of the compliments he had just given me. Like he was telling me I had a great sweater or something. I was speechless. I'm pretty sure I just said \"ok\". I wish I had the voice I have now to tell him how horrible of a thing that was to say to a young girl.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-24T18:24:38.277501+01:00"
"id": 766,
"story_text": "At 20, I was working at a nursing home as a nursing assistant. I was wearing scrubs. Another aid asked me how far along I was.... I was like I’m not pregnant, I’m just fat. Still remember the interaction clearly ten years later.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-27T11:39:10.015642+01:00"
"id": 767,
"story_text": "When I was around 4 to 10 years, my Mom was always telling me I had to eat more because I was too skinny, and she thought I never ate as much as she thought I should. Once I hit 15 years old, I started to eat more, and she used to ask me to stop eating because I was looking overweight. Later in my early twenties, I had eating disorders. Now I am 55 and feel more confident, but at times, I still have the weight obsession and remember those times.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-29T17:53:08.772634+01:00"
"id": 768,
"story_text": "When I was a little kid, I was told I couldn’t carry on with ballet classes, because I was too heavy.",
"created_datetime": "2020-06-30T09:43:36.780901+01:00"
"id": 769,
"story_text": "My girlfriend once told me I would be much prettier if my eyes were less close together.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-01T10:02:01.947284+01:00"
"id": 770,
"story_text": "At Christmas, my mum told me not to have a second helping of Christmas dinner if I want to find a partner next year, because I’m too fat as it is.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-01T10:02:36.677211+01:00"
"id": 771,
"story_text": "Many things my mother did and said led to me habing disordered eating and body dysmorphia, but one thing i particularly hated was when I was a teenager she would grab my flesh and waggle it going ‘whats this?! Whats THIS?!?’ In disgust. She’d refuse me seconds of dinner as i was “quite fat enough already”. These days she tells me off for being too thin.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-07T08:18:45.549536+01:00"
"id": 772,
"story_text": "I have been told by a very close family member I’ll never find a significant other at the size I’m at. This person has also made comments about specific parts of my body, including my thighs and stomach. I’ve also been told I’d be “so pretty” if I just lost some weight. It hurts, has affected my ability to date, and I experience body dysmorphia. I have spent years being unhappy with and hating on my body. I am trying to heal now, it’s hard, but I know it will be worth it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-09T12:58:55.858791+01:00"
"id": 773,
"story_text": "People would always comment on how skinny I was as a kid - some as a compliment, some less so. It's really affected the way I see myself. Now, in recovery from anorexia, one thing that makes it so hard for me to accept weight restoration is that 'skinny' feels like such a huge part of my identity.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-09T16:47:21.442060+01:00"
"id": 774,
"story_text": "My boyfriend at the time tried to let me know that he is unhappy with my weight gain by making me leave on my t-shirt while we were making love.. he never expressed it directly but he made sure I got his message.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-13T10:55:25.238256+01:00"
"id": 775,
"story_text": "My boyfriend told me his grandma would LOVE my legs, stated that she likes thicker legs and thighs, with bigger booty (and I'm shorter girl) And when I first met her he asked her if she liked my legs (awful, ikr) and she said \"yeah they're fine\" and when his brother's girlfriend came, she added \"I love tall girls and legs that are nicely shaped\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-14T16:26:19.854425+01:00"
"id": 776,
"story_text": "When I was 11 I was very skinny. My sister said I would look perfect if my ribs didn’t stick out as much. I spent years and years trying to squeeze my ribs to push them back inside my body.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-14T16:29:08.756344+01:00"
"id": 777,
"story_text": "I am a dance student and my dance coach always pointed out how my thighs looked. He would say things like ‘Stretch your knees or otherwise your thighs will get even bigger as they already are now’ and one time he spoke to me in private and he told me that I desperately needed to decrease the size of my thighs. He also bodyshamed my fellow dancers from time to time. But it’s not just my dance coach who commented on my thighs. I remember standing next to my sister one time and my mom saying something like ‘Oh, your thighs look so much thicker than your sister’s’. And what I’ve written here is only the tip of the iceberg. I would have a lot more stories to tell but there are simply too many💔 PS: And to whoever is reading this: I hope you have a nice day :)",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-14T16:35:34.497312+01:00"
"id": 778,
"story_text": "I changed my Facebook profile picture to a new, happy selfie. My mum commented that it was a nice picture but I should have worn lipstick",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-14T16:47:21.141986+01:00"
"id": 779,
"story_text": "That spot on your chin is disgusting.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-15T16:41:53.896046+01:00"
"id": 780,
"story_text": "I was once told that I was neither white enough nor black enough. I felt like I never fit in when I was around my family members. Neither side of the family seemed to accept me fully. They would tell me my hair was 'awkward' and my skin tone was 'weird'. It's deeply affected my relationships and I'm always very aware of it when meeting new people.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-16T11:07:03.399326+01:00"
"id": 781,
"story_text": "You should wear make-up if you want to be taken seriously in a corporate environment.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-16T11:09:11.651076+01:00"
"id": 782,
"story_text": "Your height is intimidating.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-17T15:25:18.978971+01:00"
"id": 783,
"story_text": "In year 7 maths a couple of boys told me I look like a Dalmatian because I have a lot of moles. The comment sticks with me 10 years on",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-17T15:36:24.336529+01:00"
"id": 784,
"story_text": "Being told I was fat at school by girls I used to be friends with when I was about 13 still sticks with me. I'm 26.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-18T19:23:21.336392+01:00"
"id": 785,
"story_text": "Being told by my friends to \"not wear such low cut tops\" because it was \"intimidating to boys\". My tops weren't that low but made me forever conscious about what I wore around them",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-19T21:52:17.453448+01:00"
"id": 786,
"story_text": "My best friend has told me many times that \"it's a shame\" my face doesn't match my body.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-19T22:20:46.365773+01:00"
"id": 787,
"story_text": "Two years ago I lost 65lbs (from 300) but I didn't feel that much better, and certainly not better enough to compensate for the stress I was going through to either lose more or stay at that weight. I've done the expected and regained that weight. My wife keeps making comments about wanting me to lose weight again, but I'm not putting myself through that any more.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-19T23:59:34.819514+01:00"
"id": 788,
"story_text": "Around the age of 13, our PE teacher lined up the whole class of about 30 students, then called me forward and told my classmates to laugh at me because of my weight. And they did. Like so many \"well-meaning\" others who knew or did not know me, throughout my childhood. Until I was in my early 20s, I felt sorry for people having to see me when I walked past them. It took me another 20 years to overcome the intense feeling of shame over my body and the loneliness that came with it. I am grateful to the online plus-size community for showing me that I am not alone and for giving me the strength to finally not feel worthless as a human being.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-20T09:38:38.365319+01:00"
"id": 789,
"story_text": "STOP IT! You are so slim.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-21T16:41:26.176336+01:00"
"id": 790,
"story_text": "Yesterday, my neighbor made the comment “she’s built like a Ford Taurus” about my daughter. I was infuriated. I just said “wow” bc I was shocked. My daughter just turned 5.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-22T04:13:48.241381+01:00"
"id": 791,
"story_text": "The day after I gave birth my Mum looked at my swollen and deflated stomach and said: \"Have you even given birth? That will go down, right?\" My tiny, perfect baby boy was curled up with us and she seemed, in that moment, more concerned that I might stay \"fat\" or not \"get my body back\" overnight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-22T08:37:45.074670+01:00"
"id": 792,
"story_text": "I have a 7 year old, he is classed as obese. He has anxiety, he thinks that he is fat, he tells me every day, he loves sweets and chocolate like any other kid but will sometimes choose an apple over chocolate because someone at his school told him to make HEALTHIER choices. He thinks people laugh at him because of his weight. I’m not just talking about his friends, I’m talking about strangers, he thinks people that he doesn’t even know look at him, think he is fat and laugh. This stemmed from SCHOOL, because rather than educate children on real balance, they shame them. This started when he was 5 years old!",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-24T13:45:49.966456+01:00"
"id": 793,
"story_text": "I grew up ashamed of my long curly hair (that literally reached my butt) because 'straight' was better.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-29T09:06:44.228342+01:00"
"id": 794,
"story_text": "I keep hearing elders talking about how others look. They directly say that girl is so fair, so beautiful and other girls are dark, fat, ugly. Elders in families have to stop using such derogatory remarks for others -- kids learn from their homes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-31T11:58:13.623476+01:00"
"id": 795,
"story_text": "There is no way anyone's body can look like yours so soon after having a baby",
"created_datetime": "2020-07-31T14:08:30.054295+01:00"
"id": 796,
"story_text": "I hide behind filters because I hate my appearance",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-04T07:45:01.294210+01:00"
"id": 797,
"story_text": "My mom’s been bodyshaming me and calling me fat even though I’ve been skipping meals. i’m quite big. 150 pounds. i gained that weight after dealing with an eating disorder but I’m relapsing now.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-04T18:54:51.666974+01:00"
"id": 798,
"story_text": "Walked into hydration therapy I hear “um sweetie you shouldn’t be wearing those jeans.” I looked at her and said it’s none of your damn business what jeans I’m wearing. She proceeded with “the colour is too light & a bigger bottom woman like you shouldn’t wear those jeans”. The nurse walked over and told her they don’t stand for body shaming in their practice and asked her to leave",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-05T14:20:26.967194+01:00"
"id": 799,
"story_text": "I had a “friend” tell me I looked like a stuffed sausage in a pair of size 28 jean shorts. That summer I ate only cucumbers, watermelon and slim fast bars. I was 5’2 and 122lbs, and 15 years old. 17 years later I still haven’t forgotten, I can still hear the words, I remember exactly what I was wearing. I never wore shorts again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-05T23:44:06.999834+01:00"
"id": 800,
"story_text": "I’ve been teased and told “you’d be so hot if you lost 20lbs”. Always unsolicited and by several people across my adult life. My PCOS and thyroid made me gain and gain and I became a complete recluse.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-08T23:54:21.897467+01:00"
"id": 801,
"story_text": "I've been body shamed since I was a child. People used to laugh at me when I wore jeans or skin tight trousers. They'd say, oh girl you look like a skeleton, do you ever eat, get some meat on your bones, my 10 year old sister looks older then you, you don't have legs at all you have sticks... and more",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-10T13:22:30.244312+01:00"
"id": 802,
"story_text": "It is very painful when people I love and admire come out with jokes about my weight. Even though I know they're not malicuous people and are obviously not fully aware that they are fat shaming me and others.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-10T13:22:58.493782+01:00"
"id": 803,
"story_text": "'You shouldn't wear those jeans, your hip dips are showing'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-13T17:32:33.536834+01:00"
"id": 804,
"story_text": "I have regularly been criticised for wearing make up Why do you feel the need to wear make up - is it because you —went to a co-Ed school To attract men Lack confidence Etc Broken nosed then my surname inserted as a name at primary school Comments about roots Been told my hair colour didn’t look natural Endless comments about beauty choices",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-16T19:28:19.858722+01:00"
"id": 805,
"story_text": "I was 4 years old when my kindergarten teacher said I look like a slum kid because of my dark complexion and short haircut. She mocked me in front of whole class although I didn't knew the meaning of slum. Back at home when I got to know the meaning of slum from mom the only thing I did was crying. It still affects me even after 13 years.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-16T19:29:01.021472+01:00"
"id": 806,
"story_text": "I was asked by an uncle at my cousin's wedding that how come i have such a dark complexion and recommended me to use good fairness cream before attending a party.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-16T19:34:11.677296+01:00"
"id": 807,
"story_text": "I was told by my dad I shouldn't go in front of my cousin sisters because they are beautiful and fair and i wouldn't fit with their personality because they are good looking and I look like a begger in front of them.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-24T09:49:07.046225+01:00"
"id": 808,
"story_text": "I was walking in the park with my boyfriend when we were 16 and 17. A woman came up to us and said that we shouldn’t be having babies at such a young age. When we explained that we weren’t pregnant she told us that “we” (i.e. me) should make it look less like we were. My boyfriend laughed and agreed.",
"created_datetime": "2020-08-25T15:45:01.230407+01:00"
"id": 809,
"story_text": "Lookism has negatively impacted on my personal life. I have pronounced eye bags, and many friends of mine pointed this out. Secondly, I am not considered tall; some people therefore teased me regarding my height. This lowers my self-confidence and forces me to always wear 'painful' heels. In the future, I hope lookism will be lessened, so that the societies will become less discriminatory.",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-05T05:02:09.046549+01:00"
"id": 810,
"story_text": "Every time my step-dad sees me (this has been going on for 30+ years) he mentions my height. I’m 5’2’’. In his eyes, that is short for a woman. When I was a teenager he told me I would have trouble with people taking me seriously because I’m a short female. He wasn’t trying to be cruel, in his defense. I legitimately think he was trying to protect me in some way (from people of his same mindset).",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-08T12:39:19.648958+01:00"
"id": 811,
"story_text": "i remember when i was in the 4th grade and i told my dad about some boy at school who was bullying me and just bothering me at lunch and he told me \"maybe he's mean to you because he likes you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-08T12:42:32.882660+01:00"
"id": 812,
"story_text": "“Oh you lost a lot of weight! Did you have surgery?”",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-08T16:51:12.335285+01:00"
"id": 813,
"story_text": "After losing about 2 stone my daughter (prior to coeliac diagnosis) got asked at work BY A CUSTOMER if she had an eating disorder!!",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-08T21:29:19.870188+01:00"
"id": 814,
"story_text": "My naturally slim kids, from school age to adults, have heard ‘you’re so skinny’ too many times to count! They see the parents with our ageing bodies and don’t even consider that either of us could have been slender when younger....and some even state their surprise to find that was the case!",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-09T16:23:01.325753+01:00"
"id": 815,
"story_text": "I was 16 and hormonal and puberty was at its peak in my body. Because I was well fed at home I had a healthy body, Being in a only boys school where most classmates were lean and thin, they started calling me girlish and unmanly which resulted in my chronic depression, agony and suicidal tendencies.",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-14T13:58:37.894755+01:00"
"id": 816,
"story_text": "“Long time no see, skinny ribs! How much weight have you lost” - my mum to me after coming home, jabbing my sides as she said ribs. After this she kept pointing out how skinny/fat I was as she couldn’t make up her mind",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-14T16:38:47.673933+01:00"
"id": 817,
"story_text": "“That dress is too tight, it makes your belly stick out and your bum looks awful” - my mum when choosing a prom dress",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-14T16:50:34.122269+01:00"
"id": 818,
"story_text": "“I know how you feel, I’m fat with a big bum too” - a family member to me at the very mature age of 15",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-14T17:01:27.799419+01:00"
"id": 819,
"story_text": "“Look at all your acne, this is all because you don’t wash properly it’s all dirt and because of all that crap you eat”",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-14T17:20:14.241268+01:00"
"id": 820,
"story_text": "“Look at your belly you’re gaining so much weight you’re so fat”",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-23T03:34:41.844762+01:00"
"id": 821,
"story_text": "“You and your boyfriend go well together because you’re both greasy haired drips” - my mum",
"created_datetime": "2020-09-23T16:51:57.194489+01:00"
"id": 822,
"story_text": "“Look at you you’ve got caveman legs. How do you have a boyfriend when you look like that? Why don’t you take care of yourself? Is he into the hippy natural look?” - my mum and my sister because I’m not shaving my legs in winter",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-03T15:23:27.863253+01:00"
"id": 823,
"story_text": "Your too fat to love. Nobody would ever want to love you at that size. Words my own father said to me aged 10.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-14T11:55:27.413720+01:00"
"id": 824,
"story_text": "Ive been told many days to “not wear something “ because it shows off the wrong “lumps and bumps” my body has as well as been told that certain styles mean youre “asking for it”. I dont ask for clothes from my family anymore cause I’ll be told how it’ll make me look fat and how “i” shouldnt want to wear that in order to look “fat” or toned. And this has all come from women that should be supporting a developing teen instead of making me insecure about my body.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:16:30.715564+01:00"
"id": 825,
"story_text": "Always asked by the lads in school \"You've got ginger hair, ginger eyebrows...have you got ginger pubes too?\" Great question for a young teen to feel she had to 'defend herself' over... A question still asked at times in the pub now I'm an adult! Don't recall any blondes or brunettes being asked....",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:19:18.942163+01:00"
"id": 826,
"story_text": "There is this guy who insisted a lot to date me but I rejected him cause I felt that he wanted just a one night stand. While he tried to flirt with me, he kept on saying how beautiful and kind I am. After I had rejected him, he matched with someone else and started to call me 'ugly b*tch', 'witch', 'weirdo'. He also underlines that I am old and alone and that I will end up alone. I am actually 25 years old, and he doesn't know that I've been trough a painful love experience not long ago and I am not completely healed.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:21:23.658072+01:00"
"id": 827,
"story_text": "Your vagina is a C Boys at school when we were all aged 13 rating our vaginas with A being the highest. What was wrong with my vagina? None of them had ever seen it?",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:25:47.267822+01:00"
"id": 828,
"story_text": "Last year random dude on tiktok said that I looked 8 years old. I was 13 going on 14 at the time",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:31:21.279279+01:00"
"id": 829,
"story_text": "My mom's advice to me when I asked if guys would like me because I have small breasts: \"You'll need to always be really nice and smile if you want to find a boyfriend. There are boys who will overlook it if you make up for it with a great personality.\" This advice led to me accepting extremely poor treatment and abuse from men over the years.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:33:14.852191+01:00"
"id": 830,
"story_text": "You are very thin and your body only contains bones",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:36:07.051285+01:00"
"id": 831,
"story_text": "I remember as a teenager being obsessed with my bum and the size of it. To me it was big and fat and horrible and I just wanted to be skinny like the other straight up and down girls in my school. One day I tried to express this unhappiness to my mum and her response was ‘little boys like little bums, real men like real bums’. Though not a direct comment about my appearance she may as well have said ‘yes your bum is big and fat but don’t worry one day you’ll find a man who won’t care that it isn’t small’. I’m now 33 and have only just started to accept my body. That comment stayed in my head for decades and though I realise my mum has her own body image/food relationship issues and didn’t realise what her ‘advice’ would do to me as an adult, it’s stings even more now I have my own children. It’s not just the obvious pointing out of our appearance, but the subtle confirmations that our bodies are wrong that can do so much damage. I WILL make things different for my children.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:46:50.719182+01:00"
"id": 832,
"story_text": "‘Here comes the Lump’ Said by my father in law to me as I entered the room at 6 months pregnant. ‘You’ve done so well to lose your baby weight, you were big weren’t you!’ Said by my father in law to me a year after having my baby. During my second pregnancy I lost weight during my second trimester and went on a diet 2 weeks after having my baby. ‘I can’t believe how much weight you’ve lost, you look SO good’ Said by my Father in law a year after my second baby when I was in the depths of an eating disorder. Can we all just STOP commenting on each other’s body size? Pregnancy does not mean you have free reign to comment on someone’s size. If someone loses weight you don’t know what methods they used to do it and praising it is reinforcing fatphobia. I’m looking forward to one day having a conversation with my father in law about the way he talks to me and others about their body, it’s time to change and I don’t care how awkward it is.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T00:49:50.369598+01:00"
"id": 833,
"story_text": "As a child I was seriously ill for about a year. Because of my illness I was quite small & underweight. I remember being at primary school & we all had to be weighed & measured. It was remarked about how small & unhealthy I must be. Then maybe a year later, we were all weighed measured again. This time I was now fully recovered & healthy. I remember it being announced in front of the whole class that I was the girl who had put on the most weight and it wasn’t a good way to be heading. Bear in mind that I had been very ill, lost a lot of weight due to illness & was now back to a healthy weight. I wasn’t overweight. But I was told I would be fat if I carried on that way. I can remember feeling so embarrassed & not really knowing why. I was 9 That was the beginning of my body hatred. I’m 44 now. I despise me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-17T01:10:09.496211+01:00"
"id": 834,
"story_text": "At 17, I was told I wouldn’t get into drama college. There are only so many spaces for the fat old mother type. I was very thin but not the “blonde pretty girl” type. That’s still totally how I see myself.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-20T11:41:58.816777+01:00"
"id": 835,
"story_text": "Used to get bullied when I was changing for PE at secondary school. I was told that I looked like I was anorexic even though I didn’t have any form of eating disorder...",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-21T05:59:41.757700+01:00"
"id": 836,
"story_text": "\"I always knew you would slim out\" - that's what a friend's mum said to me when I was 13 years old and in the depths of an eating disorder. A few years later, when I was recovering and starting to feel a bit better about myself (size 8-10), my doctor told me I had to be \"careful\" because I might soon become \"obese\". I went home to my mum and cried, and felt so embarrassed by his comments that I changed GP and never saw him again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-22T20:47:41.001600+01:00"
"id": 837,
"story_text": "I wanted to attempt suicide several times because of my looks. Because I will never have the possibilities/friends/attention... conventionally attractive people have.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-22T20:48:46.749172+01:00"
"id": 838,
"story_text": "When I was on college my father told me I would look so much prettier if I just lost a few pounds. I've never got over the idea that I'm not pretty if I'm fat and I'm a 56 year old formerly morbidly obese female. I guess my appearance was only acceptable when I was a senior in highschool and had an eating disorder. He never noticed I had lost a lot of weight, only commented when it started to come back on.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-22T20:52:36.971591+01:00"
"id": 839,
"story_text": "I have been ashamed of my nose ever since I was 13 when kids in my class called me 'Concorde'. Later when I was expecting my daughter, my mother-in-law said it won't matter if she's born with a nose like yours as you can do something about it these days (meaning plastic surgery). Thank you for giving me opportunity to share this, it is something I have always kept to myself. Its taken me years to realise that I am actually an attractive person and to understand that these comments were the other persons' problems not mine.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-26T17:16:19.247429Z"
"id": 840,
"story_text": "I was on the phone with a 'friend' a few years ago when she suddenly said quite aggressively \"Sometimes you look like shit!\" She knows I am very insecure about my appearance so she attacked me where I am most vulnerable. When it comes to lookism women can be the worst at policing each other's appearance. I was so stunned I did not know what to say and quickly ended the conversation. I do not see her any more. Because of insecurity around my appearance I rarely leave the house and never socialise. Lockdown has been a blessing for me! I am now a complete recluse because of shame around my appearance and fear of comments and judgements. I have stopped seeing my sister because she is always commenting on my appearance.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-27T17:39:44.327181Z"
"id": 841,
"story_text": "My mum: 'Are you going to brush your hair?' 'Are you going to put makeup on today?' 'You could loose some weight if you wanted to, you know.'",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-27T17:41:49.339214Z"
"id": 842,
"story_text": "Since quarantine, I've managed to do intuitive eating, (only eating when I'm actually hungry), and my family seem to think that I've completely stopped eating. No, I eat 2-3 times a day. For the last few months, though, my brother has been calling me (TW) anorexic because I'm not binge eating like I used to. He actually thinks using a serious ED as a joke to make fun of his sisters body is funny.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-28T14:32:40.687050Z"
"id": 843,
"story_text": "My grandma while patting my belly, \"You're so fat. You need to stop eating all of that mac n' cheese.\"- I was 8.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-31T19:46:47.823777Z"
"id": 844,
"story_text": "\"God, why don't you use cream for your acne? You look so gross.\"- my own brother.",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-31T19:53:55.270108Z"
"id": 845,
"story_text": "There was a guy in my class that has this really sharp jawline and girls in the class always bully me for having a double chin and ask me why I don’t look like the other guy",
"created_datetime": "2020-10-31T19:58:49.050277Z"
"id": 846,
"story_text": "I met a guy at university... I was a bachelor student, and he was at PhD. We used to meet around the university, and we became good friends in time. This helped me a lot to cope with the fact that I was alone in a new city, right after I broke up from a toxic relationship. I started to have feelings for him, and he seemed to feel the same, even if we kept it low-key. When the university year was over, I was sure that we will keep in touch on social media during the summer holiday, as we both went to our hometowns. But he started to be very distant. I found out very late why... I have a friend who is a photographer and she likes to take pictures of me (I like retro, hippie and flower power styles). This guy believed that I was working as a model: 'A girl who pays so much attention and time to look pretty can't be smart enough to date someone like me'. It's unfair that when a woman is confident with the way she looks, she is considered to be stupid.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-02T12:06:36.332245Z"
"id": 847,
"story_text": "You have bugs bunny teeth. Said to me by a dentist aged around 13. Has been a complex ever since",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-02T12:07:21.701161Z"
"id": 848,
"story_text": "It was a windy day and my hair was messed up. 'You look like you came from that kind a club where you've been chased by a man for your services.' I never thought I would hear this insult from a girl who I used to consider my friend.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-02T12:10:42.699110Z"
"id": 849,
"story_text": "I had no single friend in the world (and of course no boyfriend) until I was 18 years old, because I was shy and also I was/am not looking good. So noone approached me, only for making fun of me and my \"thin lips\" or my \"ugly smile\". This caused me to have severe suicidal thoughts. Only when I met my boyfriend when I was 18, I startet having some friends and being able to participate in society. But I have suicidal thoughts about my looks to this day at times.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:31:54.882006Z"
"id": 850,
"story_text": "My wife patted my belly and asked: \"You're not going to get too much bigger are you?\"...Now I'm on a diet!",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:32:43.210693Z"
"id": 851,
"story_text": "When I was 8 or 9, my sister who's much older than me asked my mom \"I was never as fat as her, right?\". My mom replied \"no I don't think so.\" The casualness of the conversation, which occurred right in front of me, with both of them looking at me, scarred me forever.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:33:49.548639Z"
"id": 852,
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:34:40.790054Z"
"id": 853,
"story_text": "In my early twenties, a significantly older co-worker told me the following unsolicited advice in the middle of our work shift: You know, if you just lost some weight you would seriously be the perfect girl, you would have it all!",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:35:55.237477Z"
"id": 854,
"story_text": "I had my prefect photo taken when I was 16 and started to get acne. The photographer came up to me while I was with my group of friends and said i looked a bit spotty in the photo and asked to take it again another day. I still have acne 6 years later and he airbrushed my photo to remove my acne. I'm still shocked this happened.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:38:21.209261Z"
"id": 855,
"story_text": "Though my mother actively denied or sabotaged any attempt I made to get therapy during my teenage years, when I was around 15 she said to me, \"I think you're depressed because you don't have a boyfriend and you don't have a boyfriend because you're fat.\" That was her only acknowledgement of my struggle with depression, but only the tip of the iceberg re: her commentary on my weight.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:39:29.024016Z"
"id": 856,
"story_text": "Bumped into my ex and he said ‘have you been hitting the gym? You look good now you’ve lost some weight’. I’d been dangerously ill in hospital for three months with a feeding tube.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T13:41:34.212201Z"
"id": 857,
"story_text": "I had a relationship with a boyfriend for 6 months. Very intense, he told me I was the love of his life, just perfect. The day after presenting him to all friends and family, I received a text message asking me to \"do him a favour\" and to get rid of my nose hair, for if not it would affect my sensuality at the long run. I was shocked by the request, the form of the message and its timing (by the way, he also mentioned in the following message he had been bothered by my breath sometimes, out of the blue). I was shocked and reacted accordingly. He felt offended by my reaction, said it was a sign of respect to solve my \"problems\" and some days after I explained the reasons for having felt hurt by his messages (shame, affected self estim, sensitivity) and made myself available for meeting personally to talk it over, he broke up. I feel devastated.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-05T18:45:03.111646Z"
"id": 858,
"story_text": "Was on a date and the man said to me, “you must be grateful I’m dating you”. I asked why, he replied, “because you’re too tall for most other men to want to date you”. I’m a 6 foot 1 woman.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T08:52:54.300952Z"
"id": 859,
"story_text": "“How does it feel to finally have boobs?\" - Said to me by my own father while I was 7 months pregnant.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T08:53:30.891472Z"
"id": 860,
"story_text": "Your hair looks silly. You are so unprofessional with that colour.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T08:54:18.548813Z"
"id": 861,
"story_text": "Wow you've lost weight, you look so much better now",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T10:24:57.219449Z"
"id": 862,
"story_text": "I have naturally dark hair and fair skin, so my body hair is really obvious. I remember sitting in maths class, aged 14, a boy in my class commented on how hairy my arms looked for a woman. It made me want to hide my arms away from the world. Only now, 7 years later have I started to embrace my body hair. Women have body hair, it's completely natural!!",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T11:30:25.933844Z"
"id": 863,
"story_text": "An uncle once told my cousin that she should not play with the little ball. He was talking about me since I was chubby ( I was 11 years old) I’m 35 and I still cannot forget it. It scarred me for life.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T17:51:25.337609Z"
"id": 864,
"story_text": "I work as a model, but much of my work is based on lookism. Depending on my appearance and age, i will be judged how much i will get paid or not at all. I use lookism to earn wages. To be honest, that's not good for me. Whether I'm praised or disgraced, I feel bad. However, there is no choice but to earn living expenses. The work of the model was started because I wanted to express my body as it is. Most of the photos on SNS have been modified. I'm trying to \"resist\" against lookism by posting my own photos on social media. I am posting without hiding elements such as extravagant meat, stains, loose skin and poor alignment of teeth. Taking advantage of lookism and resisting it may be strange and contradictory, but it is the only way I can express it now.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T18:03:52.465595Z"
"id": 865,
"story_text": "I was given an amazing writing job for a publication I loved. Only problem: I was hired by my boss's boss. Once I started, I quickly discovered that my direct line manager had a policy of only hiring size 8 beauties. He did his best to ignore me, send me away on long, obscure jobs, anything to keep me out of his line of sight. Eventually he called me into his office and told me, \"You just don't excite me. The last girl I hired, I wanted to tie her to a chair and never let her leave my office. I just don't feel that way about you\". There was this awkward pause in which I was meant to... Apologise? Resign? From school to the present day, I've been told that my appearance is a problem, and if a man feels like it he has the right to ignore, avoid or humiliate me for having to look at me. I wish I had been born in a different body, so my talents and personality had stood a chance of finding their place in the world.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T18:23:33.800194Z"
"id": 866,
"story_text": "I lost 5 stone during pregnancy because I had hyperemesis gravidarum (severe sickness) - a midwife said to me \"any weight loss is good weight loss at your size\" I was vomiting upwards of 20 times a day.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T19:34:14.349861Z"
"id": 867,
"story_text": "“Love your content:) Inspired to share. \"You all would be really pretty if only you were white.\" Said about me and other Girls of Color in boarding school. It was a conversation a group of white boys were having and my white friend, a girl, told me about it later. Those boys were straight up assholes, and beneficiaries to systems that made them feel so very entitled.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T21:40:09.929649Z"
"id": 868,
"story_text": "Hi, I'm a Korean girl. 17 years old. Korea has a lot of Lookism. As I lived, I was so tired that I thought there was a way to get rid of Lookism. But it is human instinct to like beautiful things. So I thought I couldn't get rid of it, and I thought I should get away from Lookism instead of get rid of Lookism. I thought about what to do and thought I should increase my self-esteem. It's hard to increase self-esteem, but it's worth a try. Maybe it can quell the instinct to like beauty. These are the things I tried. 01 When judging first impressions, think [People's appearance isn't everything] 02 After washing your face, look in the mirror. [This is pretty] Tell me. 03 When you have negative thoughts about yourself, cut them off as quickly as possible. 04. Take your time and think about your strengths. 05. Keep thinking that other people are not as interested in me as much as you think. Maybe a funny way can quell Lookism. Let's all cheer up! Thank you for reading my poor English :)",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-06T22:32:10.185642Z"
"id": 869,
"story_text": "I overheard my husband talking about me to one of his friends. He actually said very nice things, something on the lines that I was great and he was glad he found me. The friend looked at him incredulously and said: \"But... she's fat!\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-07T08:03:18.452574Z"
"id": 870,
"story_text": "My lil cousin confessed to me that her grandma said that I would be such a pretty girl if I didn't have such a big a$$ !! This was in my midteens and things changed since then,but still hurts, older adults shouldn't be allowed to body shame minors and should be charged as child neglect for doing so!!",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T08:50:52.798094Z"
"id": 871,
"story_text": "You're so tiny, do you even weigh 100 pounds?",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T08:55:41.585616Z"
"id": 872,
"story_text": "My boyfriend will often pinch/grab my tummy rolls when I'm sitting down. He never actually says anything, but he gives me this 'look'. I've never been insecure about my body, (and I'm slim, not that it matters), but it's starting to make me self-conscious",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T08:57:00.633242Z"
"id": 873,
"story_text": "I had recently had a baby with serious health complications. I was about 1.5 stone heavier than before getting pregnant and had had other things on my mind than my weight. One day my husband and I took our baby to an Italian restaurant for lunch. The waitresses were all cooing over our baby. One of them called a waiter over and said to him (in italian - I happen to speak it) 'isn't she cute'? The waiter replied (also in italian) 'yes she really is. Which is a surprise because her mother is a fat dog.' To this day I wish I'd responded in italian but I was too embarrassed - I paid the bill and left.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T09:17:12.448753Z"
"id": 874,
"story_text": "When I was in junior high, my best friend announced, rather out of the blue, that often people who are really ugly as kids end up looking just fine as adults. \"So,\" he said, in all compassionate sincerity, \"there really is hope for you.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T21:37:11.283485Z"
"id": 875,
"story_text": "I had a one night stand with a bloke and the next day we were messaging and he said he didn't want to meet up again because I was fatter than girls he'd usually sleep with.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-09T21:38:01.378699Z"
"id": 876,
"story_text": "I was sitting on the bed after a smear and the nurse said to me \"you're so pretty. I often wonder why how come the chubby girls are pretty?\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-10T06:09:32.852774Z"
"id": 877,
"story_text": "I have three older half-sisters all with blue eyes and fair hair, the youngest being white blonde. Growing up in the seventies I was fed by the media that men preferred blond, blue eyed women. In the northwest of England with my black hair and dark eyes I began my life being tormented for how I looked. The main thing I was bullied about were my hairy legs and arms. It then went on to being persecuted about my moustache and unibrow. I hated myself. I wanted to be hairless and blonde. I never got over this self loathing and, as a 50 year old woman, still hate my skin and body. I hope that times have progressed and people no longer have these ridiculous ideas for how people should look🤞🤞🤞",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-11T13:59:46.662008Z"
"id": 878,
"story_text": "While at work I was eating at my desk. I eat light at work. I wont explain my diet. A supervisor walked past glanced at my meal and said “you eat like a bird.” I laughed it off. this was a few years ago before I understood body shaming and I was not offended. Today I think I should have called her out or reported as shame.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-11T18:50:29.288392Z"
"id": 879,
"story_text": "I'd been asked by a group of friends not to hang around them anymore. It was a small group of mostly lgbt people. I was told I'm \"too ugly to be gay\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-17T17:05:52.816681Z"
"id": 880,
"story_text": "My boyfriends like to show his friends how big my shoes are (size 9 uk) and they have a good old laugh at my expense",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-19T20:17:30.681962Z"
"id": 881,
"story_text": "In my early 20s, I was walking through town on my way to college. A group of guys came the other way. One of them stood in my way, forcing me to go around him, and said loudly 'there are some really beautiful girls in Nottingham - and you're not one of them!'. They all laughed and headed off and I felt quite shaken up.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T10:24:05.848006Z"
"id": 882,
"story_text": "I recently told someone I was seeing that I was struggling with attraction as she was curvier than people I usually date. I feel terrible for hurting her and am really ashamed that I have personally perpetuated lookism. How I acted was wrong. I vow to never body shame anyone again.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:40:26.472593Z"
"id": 883,
"story_text": "My partner told me I was beautiful when we met in our teens, then I was became just pretty but now I’m in my 40s I’m only cute",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:41:24.511211Z"
"id": 884,
"story_text": "I'm a Transwoman & have been for over a decade. All my friends, and many people who I've just met, will tell me I'd make an attractive man. I don't think they get why that's so offensive/revealing though.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:45:44.004929Z"
"id": 885,
"story_text": "Every time I try on clothes in front of my mum she tells me they would look much better with some support pants on.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:47:26.363568Z"
"id": 886,
"story_text": "My boyfriend told me I look nicer in photos when they have a filter on.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:51:55.892888Z"
"id": 887,
"story_text": "When I got a cut as a child, my doctor told my parents - \"don't worry, the scar will fade. We will make sure this does not hurt her marriage prospects.\"",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:55:37.986034Z"
"id": 888,
"story_text": "I'm 35. Whenever anyone finds out my age, they react with shock and incredulity: 'But you look like you're in your early twenties!' 'You look SO YOUNG!' 'What's your SECRET??' Then, if I express any sort of negativity, 'you should be GRATEFUL! You'll love it when you're in your 40s!'. I am positive I will not. I can't see a single positive to being seen to be much younger than one is.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T15:58:42.561911Z"
"id": 889,
"story_text": "A female colleague commented on how nice I looked, and that she noticed I had lost weight since she had started work a few month before. I didn't know what to say, just awkwardly muttered something. I know she wanted to be positive and encouraging, but I felt terrible because when she started I was not fat but pregnant and had a miscarriage which she didn't know.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T16:00:16.177757Z"
"id": 890,
"story_text": "A man shouted down the street that I was a chunky monkey",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T16:00:49.815653Z"
"id": 891,
"story_text": "My uncle told me I'd put on too much weight",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-20T16:04:40.136208Z"
"id": 892,
"story_text": "I was called \"Big Nose\" by multiple male bullies, starting in the 5th grade. A group of boys teased me with that, and when I changed schools, I looked forward to it ending. Unfortunately, after changing schools for 7th grade, a new crop of boys teased/bullied me relentlessly about my big nose. I had never even thought about my nose until they pointed it out. Until 7th grade, I just decided those boys were jerks, but when a new group started with the3 same thing, I decided to look in a mirror and check things out. I decided I did have an ugly hook nose, and I cried to my mom about it. Being of ethnic heritage, she took me to a doctor to get it fixed rather than tell me I'm beautiful as is. Boys also said I \"Had no body\" at 12, my BFF said I had an \"ugly body\" in the 9th grade, meanwhile others now tell me I have a gorgeous body. I was told by many that my head was way too small for my body. I have no idea what is true and if I'm attractive or not attractive. I am 44.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-22T23:54:07.946709Z"
"id": 893,
"story_text": "My ex husband wanted me to be fake, fake nails, bleach blonde hair, he wanted me to get plastic surgery. I didn’t. Good for him if that’s what he likes but I didn’t like it. I wore makeup heavily for a year the last year we where together… after looking at myself and praying about it I realized this wasn’t my face…I felt like a clown. I don’t wear makeup now. If someone doesn’t Like my face it sounds like a personal problem. We as woman are not clowns for others entertainment; and there are men who don’t like makeup and will be completely fine if their woman has a real face. My ex can keep all the fake woman he wants, that’s why he’s my ex. And me I’ll keep my real face and body! I don’t have to change for anybody! This is how God made me!",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-25T12:08:22.013565Z"
"id": 894,
"story_text": "In my mid-20s I lost a lot of weight (disordered eating and over-exercising), a work colleague saw me after a few months in and said \"You look amazing. Some people can really carry being fat. You never could\". Guess what, beehotch? I'm 42 and fatter than ever! Bite me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-26T11:06:48.532445Z"
"id": 895,
"story_text": "I asked my mum why there are so few photos of me as a child. She said it was because I was so ugly.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-30T05:27:35.034819Z"
"id": 896,
"story_text": "I asked my boyfriend what he liked about me when we first started dating. He replied, 'You used to be really pretty.'.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-30T05:29:54.439814Z"
"id": 897,
"story_text": "People comment on my weight, for example insisting I take another piece of pie, saying I need it.",
"created_datetime": "2020-11-30T05:33:48.242983Z"
"id": 898,
"story_text": "You should straighten your hair, try to make an effort.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-02T19:38:21.061907Z"
"id": 899,
"story_text": "A new woman joined my dance class and a group of ten or so women refused to dance next to her because 'her hairy toes made them feel sick'. She never came back",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-07T19:14:13.049052Z"
"id": 900,
"story_text": "Do you only dress like that so people won’t take you seriously?",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-08T15:47:07.007713Z"
"id": 901,
"story_text": "My hair was curly from the rain, it always gets curly and messy when it rains, no matter what I do: 'You look like you were chased in the forest, beaten and also sleepless.' This came from another girl.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-08T15:49:03.957529Z"
"id": 902,
"story_text": "Guy told me last night I have a great face and personality I just need a smaller stomach ..",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-10T01:06:32.018526Z"
"id": 903,
"story_text": "Your face isn’t very professional.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-11T19:20:42.377293Z"
"id": 904,
"story_text": "my boyfriend said my septum piercing didnt suit me aswell as i thought it did",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-11T19:25:12.877148Z"
"id": 905,
"story_text": "I get insulted by people sometimes for my tall forehead ~ being called \"fivehead\". It's inherited. Nothing I can do about it!",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-18T14:38:32.184467Z"
"id": 906,
"story_text": "You should always be handsome",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:22:06.353451Z"
"id": 907,
"story_text": "As a 13-years old, I was shopping with my mother and sister. Looking for some T-shirt a bit further from them, a guy around my age comes towards me and just tells me \"Hey, you are ugly\" and walks away.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:23:30.560392Z"
"id": 908,
"story_text": "Having curly hair, people kept insulting me about it, telling me I should take more care of it, as if I wasn't spending hours on weekly basis trying to tame them. Fed up of \"friends\" in the bus telling me I should go to the hair dresser (last time I went, I got insulted by the hair dresser as well), I just say: \"that's the thing with my hair, either people love it or they hate it, there is no in-between.\" The guy replies, laughing \"I don't see how anyone could find it pretty\".",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:24:40.721529Z"
"id": 909,
"story_text": "Once discussing with a group of people my age (~14) , I complain about how a teacher gave everyone the same grade except for a few of us that got lower grades for absolutely no reason. One of a guy replied, laughing \"that's probably because you are ugly.\". The entire group kept laughing, and I can simply remember the feeling of shame that rose within me, as if I was the one that should somehow feel guilty for my face.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:25:28.663786Z"
"id": 910,
"story_text": "As a 13-ish year old, I am walking with some friends in my school and we meet a group of guys of my class that are laughing. They are saying one of them has done a ranking of girls beauty within our class. Everyone wants to see it, and I obviously start to stress out. As I arrive to take a closer look, the guy who made the ranking screams \"No, you can't read it, I didn't give you a good grade\". I was mortified.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:26:00.786050Z"
"id": 911,
"story_text": "We are 14-ish year old and one of my friend says, laughing : \"I had this really weird dream last night. We were at school and every single guy was in love with ... [She tells my name]. She even had a boyfriend! How could she be the first one to have a boyfriend, that's so freaking unrealistic.\" My other friends were laughing. It was at this time that I started to believe my appearance made me unworthy to be loved. It just seemed so obvious to others how ludicrous it would be to have feelings for someone looking like me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:26:43.369032Z"
"id": 912,
"story_text": "Growing up, people stopped being direct when it comes to showing they didn't appreciate your appearance. However you could understand it based on their attitude. What really struck me especially is how male behaviour changed towards me as I became pretty. Before I learned how to take care of my hair, had a still \"unharmonious\" face, [...] guys were ignoring me. When we were in a group conversation, they kept talking to my pretty friends, not looking at me, not answering whenever I was talking. As my face became closer to beauty standards, I suddenly got a growing attention and guys kept trying to seduce me, always listening, always agreeing to whatever I had to say. That made me feel completely sick. It seemed to me I only existed whenever they had interest in sleeping with me.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-21T18:30:21.565739Z"
"id": 913,
"story_text": "For some reason I'm regularly asked \"You've lost weight, haven't you?\" by work colleagues or family when I've actually had the same weight and shape for the past 20 years. Do they see it as a compliment? I feel judged, scrutinized, analysed. People always have something to say about my appearance.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-22T18:17:53.166759Z"
"id": 914,
"story_text": "You should shave your moustache, you look like a pedophile/sex offender (in year 9)",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-22T18:19:49.400736Z"
"id": 915,
"story_text": "I had my hair cut really short and was told I looked like Albert Einstein because it's blonde and curly.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-22T18:19:53.865969Z"
"id": 916,
"story_text": "I've put on some weight recently and my mum keeps commenting and telling me that I should wear baggier clothes.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-22T18:20:17.006234Z"
"id": 917,
"story_text": "Many men of all ages - but also some women - have insulted my appearance, especially as a teenager. Whether it was my nose, my skin, my haircut, my choice of clothes, my glasses, my teeth... everything seemed to be a problem in their eyes. I am 38 and still suffer from my body image.",
"created_datetime": "2020-12-28T11:20:36.598426Z"
"id": 918,
"story_text": "I was fat growing up. Then, in college, I developed a restrictive eating disorder. I became skinny–unhealthily so. Since the pandemic, I gained my previously lost weight back. When I was skinny, my family was so proud of you. Now that I'm fat again, they are not as excited about my achievements in life. I suppose this wouldn't bother me as much if strangers acted as though they don't care that I'm fat to compensate for a lack of support from my family. But everyone I meet is acutely aware of my size. I don't think I'll ever find someone who accepts me as I am and recognizes me for all of the wonderful contributions I made to the world.",
"created_datetime": "2021-01-04T02:19:51.522111Z"
"id": 919,
"story_text": "in secondary school, a group of 'friends' were discussing how you should be careful walking back late at night due to being assaulted and stuff and how its dangerous. i remember mentioning yeah i always pretend im on the phone to someone and try not go down dark alleyways. everyone just turned and started laughing in shock. someone mentioned i was ' too ugly to be r*ped' etc while laughing and the fact that that i even considered being assaulted was a joke because no one would dare come near me. wasn't sure how to react ? i was just stating how walking in the dark scares me. anyways after that i avoided saying i was careful walking home at night or that it was too dark to walk back late, because how dare i even assume i would be a victim of assault. if it's ever brought up i just say i dont want to walk back in the dark because im scared of theft or a robbery",
"created_datetime": "2021-01-04T02:22:36.601330Z"
"id": 920,
"story_text": "I like to wear outlandish clothes and I was told once that ‘I’m too fat to dress that weird’",
"created_datetime": "2021-01-22T12:27:45.915443Z"
"id": 921,
"story_text": "Whenever I straighten my hair instead of leaving it naturally curly I get lots of compliments. Usually they are nice, but sometimes they compare my hair straight to when it’s curly and say I look much better with straight hair.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-03T18:55:15.906903Z"
"id": 922,
"story_text": "By family ( I was a healthy weight and size ): \r\n- you don’t need to dress up for Halloween you’re already a skeleton \r\n- men like women with real curves, you’re not a real woman \r\n- you look like a malnourished child from those adverts on Tv\r\n- why would anyone want to look like you , looked disgusted at me \r\n- refused to hug me because apparently I was too bony and it was painful to hug me \r\n- joked about shoving a tube down my throat and force feeding me , kept saying I had an ED\r\n- pile of bones, stick, chicken legs etc \r\nThis led me to binge eat lots of cakes chocolates in a very unhealthy way etc so I gained weight and now I get comments on how Ive gained weight. You can never win.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-11T11:27:13.687698Z"
"id": 923,
"story_text": "I’m 20 years old, turning 21 soon. My father has been shaming me for what I eat for years. My mom can sit down and eat anywhere from five to six times a day, but god forbid I eat maybe twice a day and my father says I need to stop eating so much. He tells me the reason she can eat so much is because she works. But so do I.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-12T07:41:08.831823Z"
"id": 924,
"story_text": "I'm in my 40s now but still remember being on the bus as a teenager, and I had my hair in a twisty style that looked quite good. Some boys behind me noticed it and asked me to turn around. When I did their only comment was 'ugly.'",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-17T06:34:37.544732Z"
"id": 925,
"story_text": "my sister oinked at me and said it was because I looked like a pig. it was a joke but it hurt me",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-17T06:44:10.727060Z"
"id": 926,
"story_text": "I will never forget on my first day of secondary school and the boys labelled me 'ugly' and would relentlessly let me know about it every day for the best 5 years. I'm 20 now and not only did this lead to massive insecurities, and having to get up 2 hours before school to get ready to look 'pretty', but I resent going home just in case I see one of those boys and I suddenly feel 12 years old again and feel ugly.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-22T15:19:09.199721Z"
"id": 927,
"story_text": "When I was 12, a boy I had a crush on for years told me his mum noticed that my calves were huge in a class picture. That comment stayed with me for years, and I spent my teenage years feeling insanely self-conscious about my calves. I'm only just starting to come out of it. I'm 21.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-22T15:22:47.760430Z"
"id": 928,
"story_text": "My mom, a beautician and cosmetic consultant, used to tell me that I have a bad-shaped nose when I was younger and promised a rhinoplasty when I grew older. Now I'm older, the rhinoplasty never materialised, but the words stick with me forever.",
"created_datetime": "2021-02-25T13:45:52.482929Z"
"id": 929,
"story_text": "A group of girls in school said my breasts were so small that I have \"mosquito bites on my chest instead of breasts\"",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-05T14:19:26.578400Z"
"id": 930,
"story_text": "Always being told as a kid that I had \"puppy fat\", I wasn't big by any means, just had a little belly, but everyone felt like they needed to comment on my body and justify my stomach for me by saying it was \"only puppy fat\". But I had a little tummy even after puberty, and there hasn't been a day since that i haven't sucked in or not thought about my stomach.",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-11T13:47:15.822528Z"
"id": 931,
"story_text": "During my teenage years I went to the doctors with my mum about strange marks on my legs. The doctor explained they were stretch marks and when we left, my mum said i'm on a diet because I'm too fat. This meant I would eat in secret so she wouldn't scold me for being overweight. I'm a healthy weight now but I still don't enjoy eating around my mum because I can feel that she's judging me.",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-18T00:28:14.872020Z"
"id": 932,
"story_text": "\"You'll never get a boyfriend with eczema like that\" - my mum",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-22T12:05:02.548653Z"
"id": 933,
"story_text": "I come from a culture that sees curvy women as most beautiful. I am naturally thin and muscular. My aunts consistently comment to my mom that I need to gain weight. When I ask my mom to either defend me to my aunts or stop relaying these comments to me, she takes their side and says it’s out of concern. I wish she would stand up for me or not tell me what my aunts said.",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-22T12:44:01.188081Z"
"id": 934,
"story_text": "there was a time when I was about to enter another year in college, we decided to go the mall to buy things I need (we as in; me, my aunt, and my cousin). we where on a shop that sells clothes and other things and we were there so my aunt could by me a bra. minutes passed, a clerk approached us and asked what we liked and stuff. my aunt began to embarrass me and says stuff like, \"her boobs are too small.\" and then \"no hope for her.\" I don't remember much but she said a lot of nasty stuff too. she keeps comparing her daughter from me, saying her daughter got the good genes and I don't.",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-30T18:40:12.233263+01:00"
"id": 935,
"story_text": "I had pcod growing up so it resulted in some facial hair so growing up people will judge me. Even though now I am fine nd those are gone, I still remember how insensitive people were. I still see girls with facial hair being made fun of and it makes me angry nd hurt. I wish for those commenting woman to know that u aren't a Aphrodite urself, commenting on someone else's looks like this..nd those guys half of you lot will be homeless losers who will run after a woman's attention like dogs",
"created_datetime": "2021-03-31T16:04:33.202784+01:00"
"id": 936,
"story_text": "Yesterday when I was sitting with my uncle, my grandma said that I look like a bone then suddenly he commented that if I'm a bone then what is a real bone (HE IS ALSO FAT🤭) I'm not even that fat I guess he is just jealous that I can gain some weight but his daughter can't 😂",
"created_datetime": "2021-04-29T20:11:39.295653+01:00"
"id": 937,
"story_text": "When I was around 12 years old other girls would make fun of me and say it's disgusting to have body hair. That's why I started shaving. And from then on I'm not comfortable weaeing dresses or shorts because I'm too scared some body hair escapev razor. So I didn't wear shorts or dresses and even started to have excuse why I can't swim even though I love swimming. I don't wear anything that shows my legs because I don't want to shave because it irritates my skin too much but I'm also too self-conscious to be seen with my body hair.",
"created_datetime": "2021-04-29T20:13:02.605671+01:00"
"id": 938,
"story_text": "Since 5th grade I know that a lot of people think that I am ugly. It is very common for me when even strangers point out that I am ugly. Therapy helped that I see myself as unconventionally attractive but I am still feeling ugly eyeryday. It hurts everytime when people say I am ugly. I am 33 now and living a very isolated life. Unemployed and suffering from c-ptsd and depression for many years. I am fighting every day. I wish beauty wouldn't be that important in our world and people were kinder to each other. I still don't know how to cope. Please think before you judge someone. Treat people how you want to get treated yourself.",
"created_datetime": "2021-04-29T20:17:07.188134+01:00"
"id": 939,
"story_text": "My year 8 PE teacher told 12 year old (male) me that \"you have a woman's body\". Still not sure what that means. Fat in the wrong places? Bone structure? The way I walk? I wasn't insulted, just very confused.",
"created_datetime": "2021-05-01T19:37:36.867403+01:00"
"id": 940,
"story_text": "I began to eat less when studying abroad, eating only twice a day. My family said that is really the goal of studying here because I am supposed to lose weight ...",
"created_datetime": "2021-05-04T11:34:36.678817+01:00"
"id": 941,
"story_text": "When I was 9 my uncle told me that I had more hair on my arms than him. Been shaving my arms since then (almost 40 years).",
"created_datetime": "2021-05-04T11:40:06.627298+01:00"